Page 50 of Ace of Hearts
“Is there anything I can do to help get us out of this situation with the bodies? Jesus, I just realized that I don’t even have the terminology in my brain to properly discuss this situation.”
He reached out a hand and clasped her knee. “My brothers are out pounding the pavement for answers, even as we speak. Peb’s facial recognition software has been running all night and should be finishing up any time now.”
Exasperated, she said, “I feel so useless. Sometimes I wish that I was like all the women I see in the movies. They’re brave, strong, and can’t wait to get out there and kick some bad guy ass. I’ve never hit anyone in my life and honestly don’t have the vaguest clue how to be helpful in this situation.”
“Around here, we have a long history of pulling together when the going gets rough. We all contribute whatever we’re good at.”
Barbara frowned. “I’m the lady with fourteen coordinated throw pillows on her sofa and a hand-painted coffee table. I have a dozen Pinterest boards with recipes for every occasion and a collection of cool summer vacation destinations. Other than that, I dig the occasional fossil, teach my classes, and do a little yoga. It feels like I’ve been living in a bizarre middle-class bubble my entire life, and consequently, I have not developed one single skill that could help us find a way out of this mess.”
Interrupting her escalating tirade, he stated casually, “You’d be the very first person voted off the island.”
“I’d be the what?” He saw the understanding click on her face and she flushed. “You’re right, of course. If only I could bake us out of this situation, we’d have it made.”
“I know when the brothers come back, they’re going to be starving. If you were in a mood to cook away some of your anxieties, I know they’d appreciate it.”
Perking up, Barbara was totally on board with that idea. “I don’t want to sound all girly, but I honestly do love cooking, and it would really take my mind off this whole ugly situation.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to seem like I’m forcing your into the stereotypical homemaker role.”
“I know there’s not a lot of status in being a homemaker, and it’s not particularly PC right now for women to embrace that role, but I love cooking and taking care of my home. When all the other kids wanted Hot Wheels and slippy slides, I was all about the Easy Bake Oven and Dream House. Don’t feel bad offering me the role I love, handsome.”
Smiling, he encouraged, “Make a list of everything you need and I’ll send one of the prospects to shop for you. Do just as much as you like and don’t push yourself to hard. Leave the dead bodies and all that crap to me.”
Leaning over, she gave him a quick kiss. “Thanks. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He deadpanned back, “You’d still be rubbing out one in the shower all by yourself.”
Laughter bubbled up at his reminder of her dry spell. “I forgot I told you about that.”
“Well, I don’t forget much, beautiful.”
“Just so you know, being in the shower with you is tons more fun than just thinking about you while I shower alone.”
“Yeah, it was for me, too. Don’t be surprised if I intentionally get myself dirty, so you have to clean me up again.”
She bit the inside of her cheek. “An image just flashed through my mind of throwing mud pies at you, just so I could pop you in the shower.”
Choking on his reply, he asked, “You mean like cow poo?”
“That’s cow pies.” She laughed. “Mud pies are what little kids make when they play in the dirt. I used to make cute little ones and decorate the top with flowers. I’d never throw crap at you, handsome. I love you, remember?”
Taking the now empty plate from her, he set it aside and hauled her into his lap. Rubbing his face against hers, Ace allowed her to sift her fingers through his hair. “I need your niceness like a wildflower needs sunlight. It’s gonna be real hard to let you go.”
Peppering little kisses across his cheek, she said, “We already talked about this, handsome. I’m not going anywhere.”
“You can do better than an outlaw,” he told her, and she could tell he was serious. Still…
“Then be better than an outlaw. All the awful stuff that happened to you is in the past. You can make your future anything you want it to be.”
“You want me to leave the club?” he asked, sounding appalled at the very idea of doing such a thing.
“Heck no. I don’t care one way or the other about that. The only thing I care about is this whole inferiority complex you seem to have going on. I think you’re just perfect. You think you’re not. I’m merely pointing out that we’re not chained to our past. Whatever is making you feel less than is totally within your power to change. You changing to suit yourself doesn’t scare me in the least. I know whatever happens, you’ll continue to be just perfect in my eyes.”
His lips were on her inside of three seconds and he didn’t let up until she was clawing at his clothing. Huffing out an exasperated breath, she mumbled, “You really mess me the hell up, handsome.”
“I love that I have that effect on you.”
“You have a boner.”