Page 53 of Ace of Hearts
Looking properly chastised, he said, “Yes, sir.”
“As I was saying, we have the garage, parts store, hair salon, and a coffee shop. Prospects are responsible for performing quality checks on those businesses throughout the day. Prospects man our gate, upkeep the grounds, and take turns tending the bar.”
Jack frowned, causing Ace to laugh. “If it sounds like a shitty way to make a grand a month, you’d be right about that. Prospecting is for one purpose: to prove you are valuable to the club. We only accept men with integrity who prove themselves to be an asset. Follow me for the grand tour.”
Walking him straight out to what was once the tank house, he opened the double doors of the spacious shed and the sunlight poured into the darkened interior.
“If you want to be one of us, you gotta learn to control that mouth of yours, prospect. Peb compiles a file on everyone, and I read over yours this morning. You flunked out of high school, got your GED on the first try, got kicked out of the military before you even made it out of boot camp, and flunked out of two colleges before you landed here. It looks like your family might have disowned you, and you’re about to flunk out once again.”
“I guess I don’t look so good on paper, do I?”
“You surely the hell do not,” Ace agreed, “but that don’t exactly distinguish you from the rest of the brothers. Lots of us are not a good fit for the outside world. Being in an MC is a completely different ballgame from the rest of the world. We don’t expect everyone to look and act just alike. You can do as you like, fuck up, pay the consequences, and mess up a lot before we finally throw you out.”
“That information does not coincide with the chains hanging from the ceiling or the Frankenstein kit on the table there.”
“In case you’re wondering, that’s why Darkness offered you an in with our club. You walk around seeing all the details others overlook. You’re right about this place.” Gesturing around, Ace stated grimly, “When you fuck up in an MC, you put your brothers’ lives at risk. That’s the worst sin you can commit in our eyes.”
“This is the punishment for that offence,” Jack guessed.
“Yes. That’s why I’m starting here with you. I want to make sure you fully understand the gravity of your situation. If you put our club or your brothers at risk in any way, we bring you here, chain you in the middle of the floor, and beat you with a thick dog chain until you pass out.”
“Fuck, that’s a little harsh.”
“Getting your ass beat for putting your club or brothers at risk is not harsh. The entire club votes, and they’re not shy about erring on the side of safety. Do you know what the word nemesis means?”
Glancing at the door, Jack replied quickly. “A nemesis is long-standing rival or enemy.”
“It also means the righteous infliction of retribution, manifested by an appropriate agent. In the context of that club, that agent is usually Ryder because he’s the Sargent at Arms.”
“What you’re saying is that this is a very formal process.”
Ace nodded. “Yes. If you intentionally get someone killed, we’ll give you a dirt nap, and unlike amateur hour down on the farm yesterday, no one will ever find the body.”
“Okay, now tell me the flip side. What happens if I sit up, pay attention, and do right by everyone?”
“You get thirty to fifty brothers for life. As you can see from my situation, if you run into trouble, they’ll have your back in every way imaginable. When I called, they agreed to extend protection to my lady and all of you. They called in the club attorney to deal with the cops. Trust me, they’re all out there pounding the pavement to keep us safe today, and ain’t nobody paying them a dime. They’re doing it because I’m a brother.”
“And you would do the same for them?”
“I have recently done exactly the same for our club president and will continue to do so for as long as I draw breath. You might could find a home among the brothers, but you’ve gotta stop pretending like everything’s a joke and start taking things seriously. Like Darkness said, you’ve got a nose for the kind of work we do. Don’t waste your one shot at a good life by making light of every damn thing.”
Jack looked away, seeming to soak in Ace’s words. “Can I get the rest of the tour?”
“Yeah, but I’m warning you right now not to talk to a living soul about this room, our club, what we do or don’t do, or any of the brothers. Club business is not for outside ears.”
“Got it.”
Walking out, they shut the door and locked it. “Next stop is the guard’s hut. I believe the prospect on duty is Scab.”
“What the hell kind of name is that?”
“Let’s just say, you probably don’t want to get too close to his left arm.”
“That’s gross.”
“Don’t worry, kid. You’ll be getting your own club name eventually. Until that time, most of the brothers will just call you prospect.”
“I want something cool, like Ace or Darkness.”