Page 72 of Ace of Hearts
Grabbing him by the shoulder, Ace grinned. “Fine, you helped like a big boy. Are you happy now?”
Before Ryder could get in another word, law enforcement officers swarmed the place. “Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air.”
Ryder quipped, “This is the part I always hate.”
Barb, never having been arrested before, was very confused. “Wait a minute. Do I have to put my hands up, too?”
~ Ace ~
Sitting in jail with his best friend seemed like a fascinating premise for a reality television show. It also was nice to watch Ryder busting someone else’s chops for a change. Sitting quietly on his cot with his wounds properly stitched up, Ace leaned his back against the cool cinderblock wall.
“No, I do not want to race cockroaches with you.”
“Come on, man. It’ll be fun,” Cork insisted.
“I ain’t germ phobic or nothing, but goddamn, you are playing with a cockroach. Get your fuckin’ head straight, dude.”
Cork sat it down on the cot beside him and muttered under his breath, “Pansy ass mother—”
“You had better not be talkin’ about me,” Ace warned.
Doing the chicken neck gesture, Cork replied, “If the pretty little high heel fits, wear the fucker. That’s what I say.”
“When we get outta here, you are so dead.”
“WhenIget outta here, you mean. I’m the dude who was sitting in my van minding my own business. You two were the crazy fuckers shooting up the place.”
Ryder pointed at him. “That was self-defense, you stupid fucker.”
“Whatever, dude. Neither of you have any good common sense. If I had been in charge, we’d have been shooting up a bank or at least a damn liquor store. What kind of crazy fuckers shoot up a morgue?”
Several of the other inmates laughed.
“Fuck you, Cork. You only just now graduated from robbing bubblegum machines. Everybody knows you got to shoot up a toy store, a comic book store, a candy store, and then a green grocer before you’re allowed to hit a bank.”
Cork turned his head to look in Ace’s direction. “Too bad they put your pretty little archeology professor in the women’s section. She would have really brightened up these drab surroundings.”
“Shut it, you silly fucker.”
Cork picked up his cockroach, which had slowly crawled to the edge of the bed and turned it in the opposite direction. “Yep, all that long red hair looked really soft. I’ve got a thing for redheads. I think I mentioned that before. Today when you were putting on her vest, all I saw was miles of pretty smooth skin. I’ll bet she’s totally unmarked, isn’t she?”
“Barbara is none of your business,” Ace groused.
“Tell the truth. Are you really hitting that, brother?”
“Yep, and I’m gonna be hitting you in about three minutes if you don’t shut the fuck up about her.”
“I heard all about how she’s a doctor of archeology and all,” Cork kept rambling, pushing his luck. “I say we put her in one of those skimpy outfits like that tomb raider bitch wears and see if she’ll dance on the bar for us.”
“She won’t.” Balling his hands into fists, Ace struggled to keep his cool.
“Bet she would if you asked her real nice like. All the brothers say she’s crazy about you.”
“She’s going to be the mother of my children. Stop perving on her or they’ll never find the body.”
Ryder mused out loud, “I just remembered something interesting. The two of you never did get along.”
Ace responded quietly, “Yep, because he’s an ass.”