Page 32 of Cocky
He sat back, taking his glass with him. “Bah, I stole that from some meme I saw on the internet once.”
Throwing her head back, Victorjia laughed. “And honest, too. I like it.”
“I like you,” he said, his eyes fixed on her.
A fresh wave of heat and desire raced through her, and she bit her lip, wanting to look away but forcing herself to maintain eye contact. “I like you, too, Heath.”
“My friend is on the dance floor, and from the looks of it, he’s broken both feet and is having an epileptic fit. What do you say we get out there and show him what dancing really looks like.”
Victorjia giggled a very schoolgirl giggle that was so unlike her. “I’ve never actually danced to country music. I wouldn’t know where to start.”
His eyes widened in shock. “You’ve never two-stepped?” She shook her head no. “Line danced?” Again, no. “Well, beautiful,” he said resolutely as he stepped down onto the floor and held out his hand, “you’re gonna learn tonight.”
Victorija’s heart pounded against her ribs as he led her by the hand out onto the dance floor. Clearing a sliver of space wide enough for the two of them, Heath gave a forceful tug and swung her into his arms, sending her crashing against his chest with a squeal.
“Hold on tight, darlin’,” he said with a put-upon Southern accent, “and follow my lead.”
Since she had no idea what she was doing, Victorjia planned to do exactly that. Then, with a quick step to the left and a little dip up top, they were in motion…and Victorjia had never felt so free.
“Talk to me, sugar. I know you’re there.”
Talia wasn’t sure if it was wise to say anything. But she sure was tempted. Tucker’s smooth Southern drawl made her shiver inside with need. She longed to be in his warm embrace again, to hear his sweet words spoken in her ear, to feel his body against hers. More than anything, she craved being in his presence again. She might have been the one to leave, but he still meant everything to her.
These phone calls of his were killing her though. Tiny slices, all perfectly made to cut deeper than the last, though she didn’t think he intended them that way.
He needed her as much as she needed him.
But it wasn’t time for that yet. This case was taking them exactly where they needed to go, and the bureau was pushing for results. They wanted to close the file on this by month’s end. Sooner if it could be managed. And it just might be feasible.
The girl they put undercover was doing her job and doing it well. As far as they could tell, the bait—her—had been taken. Now it was just a matter of digging for evidence then storming the castle and slapping on the cuffs.
Time was of the essence.
Still, it couldn’t happen fast enough for her liking. Yet, she knew, the very reason she had yet to try to work things out with Tucker was the same reason they might not be able to work anything out at all.
But this was going to be huge for her career. A career she’d completely derailed when she’d gotten in too deep with the Spartans during an undercover operation of her own a couple years ago. This was her chance—her only chance—to get back what she’d lost.
Would it be worth the risk? She couldn’t know for sure, but she hoped. Tucker had always been lenient with her, understanding and forgiving to a fault. She hoped his caring nature extended to this too.
“I’m here,” she finally said, aware that she was crossing a line she herself had put into place. She just couldn’t be quiet anymore.
Tucker sighed into the phone, his relief palpable despite the distance that divided them. “God, it’s good to hear your voice. How are you?”
“Fine,” she lied. Talia was anything but fine. She was overworked, stressed the hell out, lonely, and heartbroken. “Just been working a lot.”
She could hear the smile in his voice. “I’m glad to hear that, sugar. Sometimes work is all that keeps us going.”
“How are you?” she asked.
“Getting by day by day,” he said candidly. “Missing you like crazy.”
She knew she shouldn’t, but she did anyway. “I miss you too.”
“Then why don’t you come home. Whatever this is, we can work on it. I’ll do anything, sugar. Anything. It’s just not the same without you here. It’s all…pointless.”