Page 43 of Finding Home
Glad to hear she was awake, Vivian said, “I’ll make some tea.”
“Remember, iced,” Nash said with a playful smile, reminding her of a couple nights ago on his front porch when they’d debated the topic.
“How could I forget?” she mocked, wide-eyed. “I wouldn’t want to risk the wrath of the Southern gods.”
One side of his mouth turning up, Nash replied, “They don’t like being mocked either, darlin’. Might wanna watch that tongue.”
Vivian stuck said tongue out at him.
He rolled his eyes, but she could tell he was amused. “So mature. Have fun in town today.”
With a wave, Nash left her to finish cleaning the kitchen. She made quick work of it, and by the time she had finished, Gretta was moseying out of her room.
Dressed in her housecoat, she held a weathered Bible to her breast and gave Vivian a weak smile. “Damn medicine doc gave me knocks me on my ass,” she said by way of explanation as if Vivian was judging her for rising too late in the day. She glanced around the sparkling kitchen as if hoping there was something left for her to do. “I’m sorry to be so damn lazy lately, makin’ ya do all the work alone.”
Vivian sliced her hand through the air. “No worries at all. It’s the least I can do for you putting me up in your home.”
“It’s no imposition,” Gretta muttered as she shuffled her slippered feet toward the living room. “It’s damn cold today, ain’t it?”
“Almost twenty degrees less than yesterday. Weather girl said to expect a cool down for at least the next week.”
“Fall’s on its way.”
Pouring a fresh glass of tea from a pitcher over a few cubes of ice she’d placed in a glass, Vivian carried the beverage into the living room and waited until Gretta had settled herself into an old recliner and kicked her feet up before handing it to her.
“How do you know fall is on its way?” she queried, although she’d been thinking the same thing just a bit ago.
“Thank you, dear.” She took a few swallows of tea before letting out a satisfied, lip-smacking sigh. “The signs are all over. Have been for weeks.”
Dropping down onto the nearby loveseat, Vivian asked, “What signs?”
“Oh, the usual. Shorter days, longer nights. The song of the cicadas. My tomatas stopped ripening coupla weeks ago. They’ll get one last good burst in ‘em before all’s said and done.” She stared off. “I can’t wait to break out Momma’s favorite fried green tomatoes recipe.”
Vivian watched her old friend as she recalled a distant memory, and waited.
“We should make that this weekend,” Gretta said definitively.
“I’m game. I’ve never had it before, but if you’re making it, then it must be good.”
“You bet your ass it is,” she said with a wink.
“Are you feeling any better?” Vivian asked, growing serious once more.
“Oh, much, dear. Don’t worry. I’m just getting older. I guess I can’t expect to jump to it anymore like I used to. Gotta take things a bit slower these days, as doc said.”
“Are you sure?” Vivian was skeptical. Sure, Gretta wasn’t in her twenties anymore, but it was just last week the woman had been out in her garden after making a giant feast for dinner and playing matchmaker for her and Nash. She didn’t strike Vivian as the type to slow down.
“Oh yes,” she said, her tone and expression suggesting that Vivian’s question was absurd. “Old age might be sneakin’ up on me, but it can’t hold me down. I’m goin’ to go out the same way I came into this life: kickin’ and screamin’.”
Vivian snorted at the mental image. Yep, that definitely sounded like her.
“Nash is worried about you.”
Gretta clucked her tongue. “That man never stops worrying. Of course, he’s experienced his fair share of loss this lifetime, so he’s entitled, but damn! I wish people would stop lookin’ at me like I’ve got one foot already in the grave. When I’m ready to go, I’ll jump in with both feet. Until then, what the hell am I gonna do with one foot?”
Vivian’s head whirled, trying to keep up with her meaning, but she thought she might have gotten the gist of it. “Maybe you can call him later and set his mind at ease.”
Rolling her eyes, Gretta agreed with a little head nod, and then asked, “So have you two set a date yet?”