Page 12 of Deadly Deception
Desperation and a basic lack of character are my guesses. People really need to step it up and set some damn standards. Once that bar is lowered, you get what you deserve. It occurs to me that’s partly why I’m single. I have a bar that has to be met, and I’m not willing to lower it for anyone. I don’t care who they are.
The rules are simple: take care of yourself, be kind, be generous, be honest, and most of all, show some fucking loyalty.
That’s why I have to respect the Costellos. For all their shady shit and life of crime, you can’t find anyone more loyal than that group. They’ll fight to the death for their kin, blooded or not.
It’s eight in the evening when a sliver of light cuts across the driveway, alerting me that the side door is open. Glenn appears a moment later and gets into his car. When he backs out, I reach for my keys to follow.
That’s when I see Brenda in the upstairs window. Turning on a lamp, she moves through the bedroom, pulling off articles of clothing. For some reason, I can’t move. I’m glued to the spot, watching as she reveals inch after inch of smooth, flawless skin. I bet up close, it’s the finest ivory with just a hint of blush, and soft and smooth like porcelain.
Releasing what I know to be dark-blonde hair from some kind of bun, her long locks unravel down her back, falling into a sleek, curvy column that dances across her spine and tickles the crease of her buttocks.
I can’t bring myself to look away. From the gentle sway of her hips as she walks to the curves and slopes of her body, I’m captivated. I can perfectly recall the cadence of her voice when we spoke—distinctly female, but deeper than most, with a naturally seductive velvet quality.
I can’t get it out of my head, often hearing in between moments of quiet.
When her hands reach back to release the clasp of her bra, her body turning to face the window once again, I yank my eyes away.
This isn’t okay. I’m allowing myself to be distracted, and that’s not how I do things. I’m more disciplined than that, I chastise myself.
A quick look at the driveway reveals that Glenn is long gone. I was so wrapped up in the vision upstairs that I hadn’t even noticed him leave. Cranking the engine to life, I let the reality of that sink in. I’m a contracted killer with a crystal-clear record. I didn’t get here by allowing my clients to get inside my head.
My tires squeal as I slam on the gas, tearing out of the parking space faster than I intend. I’ve broken several cardinal rules tonight: never lose focus, and never get noticed chief among them.
Rest assured, it won’t happen again.
I felt Cal’s eyes long before I knew for certain he was watching. He has a presence about him that reaches straight through me. I don’t know if it’s the sheer strength of his character or an invisible connection or that he’s the epitome of danger, but he speaks to me.
As soon as Glenn announced that he was leaving, I retired to the bedroom upstairs, and in the cloak of shadows, I easily spotted Cal’s SUV parked outside.
And that’s when I decided to take matters into my own hands and play the cards dealt before me. Allowing my fantasy to play out in real life, I turned on the lights in hopes that he would look up and see me, and then I undressed. Yes, the whole neighborhood could see me if they happened to look up, but my only concern was with one man.
Cal has been on my mind from our first meeting, and if I have it my way, I’ll have him before all of this is said and done. He may be a hired hitman, but he’s on my payroll. The question is, will he be willing to break his own rules to have me…just once?
I may be pushing my luck, but the boldness with which he lives his life emboldens me, too, and I can’t deny my desire to touch it, to experience a bit of that fire, even at the risk of getting burned.
The morning comes far too fast. Despite Glenn getting in late last night, he’s up and moving instead of dragging ass like usual. He’s in a good mood, and I can only imagine from what. But I’ve grown beyond caring, as I’m in a damn fine mood myself. That squealing of tires last night still makes me smile. I didn’t have to see him there to know Cal was watching and witnessed exactly what I’d intended him to.
Did he like what he saw?
I make breakfast, whipping up eggs and toast for a sandwich to-go for Glenn, eager to have the house to myself. I’ve decided to treat myself today with a nice mani/pedi. It’s been a while since I left the house long enough to do anything beyond running errands. In the event of Glenn’s demise and my impending vacation beachside, I want to look and feel my best.
After all, it wouldn’t look right if a wife in mourning suddenly started getting her nails done as if in celebration. Before is better. I like to plan ahead.
I don’t kiss Glenn goodbye today. Instead, I turn my cheek and smile demurely so he won’t be too offended and start asking questions. It’s a good idea to start getting into practice for when he won’t be here. No sense catering to his every whim anymore, since I won’t have to ever again in just a matter of days.Day, perhaps, if I’m lucky.
Cal sure is taking his sweet time.
I tell myself to knock it off. I’m getting greedy. I just can’t help myself, though. The idea of being my own person again is exciting. The added small fortune I stand to gain as a result sure doesn’t hurt either.
I look everywhere for Cal when I leave the house, but I don’t see him anywhere. Probably for the best. He can’t kill Glenn if he’s busy watching me.
The drive to the salon isn’t far. Near the grocery store I frequent, as a matter of fact. Maybe I’ll buy a nice bottle of white wine for this evening when I’m done as a sort of goodbye to Glenn and hello to the future. Of course, I’ll celebrate it with him, assuming he comes home at a reasonable hour.
A little bell chimes as I walk through the front door, and the pungent smell of chemicals burns my nose. I approach the counter where a short, thin, pretty Asian woman stands smiling at me.