Page 15 of Indecent Proposal
Sabrina’s eyebrows rose. “This is a lot to take in.” She tried to think of the logistics, in both scenarios, and she had a hard time seeing how any of it could work in the long-term. Of course, she didn’t even know if there was a long-term involved.
“How doyousee this going?” The question was directed at all three men, and Sabrina was holding her breath in anticipation, unsure what she truly wanted, but certain that she was willing to explore something new, even if it meant pushing every boundary shethoughtshe had.
“Well, I’d like to start off with one-on-one,” Oliver said first. “Get to know each other on a more personal level before we leap into anything more.”
“Personally, I like that idea, but I also think it could create conflict down the road if we each develop an independent relationship,” William said seriously.
Conner’s expression matched his brother’s. “I agree. It might create a bond that, later, you won’t want to cross for the other two out of fear of betrayal. Ideally, we should all bond together from the start so there is no misunderstanding or hurt feelings or anything like that down the road.”
Sabrina thought she understood his point. Since she’d already had sex with Conner, she automatically erred on the side of wanting to explore more with him. Her attraction to him was solidified, and she already had butterflies just thinking about allowing William or Oliver to kiss her, let alone have sex with her.
“What do you suggest then?” she asked, hoping the answer wasn’t what she thought, but also hoping that it was. Her feelings were torn, and for once, she didn’t want to be the deciding factor. She wanted someone else to take the reins and lead the way.
“I think the only way this will work,” William began, a wolfish glint developing in those dark eyes, “is if we all jump in as one, make the first time memorable. Cross that hurdle together.”
Was he saying what she thought he was saying?
Seeing the questions in her eyes, Oliver said, “Together. What my brother is trying to say is that we should all have sex together, at once, before we get into the one-on-one stuff.”
Sabrina gulped. Looking from one brother to the next, meeting each of their eyes, so alike but so different, she realized she had a huge decision to make. Was she willing to compromise the picture of perfection she’d created with her constituents, with her family, in order to pursue her carnal desires that were now flaring to life in every cell of her body like a deadly inferno?
The answer was simple. No. She wasn’t willing to risk it. But neither was she willing to walk away from it. A part of her craved the adventure, screamed for her to take the risk.Just jump! But Sabrina was nothing if not practical, and as a businesswoman, she could see only one way to make this work that made any sense.
“If we’re going to try this,” she began, “then I need to protect myself.”
“Of course. We have plenty of condoms, and we get tested regularly. We’re clean,” William supplied.
Sabrina shook her head. “That’s not what I’m talking about. Although, good to know.” She drew in a fortifying breath and continued. “I want a contract. An agreement between us that whatever happensstays between us.” She simply couldn’t stress that enough, and even though they didn’t look pleased by her request, they weren’t jumping to shoot it down either. “I need to cover my bases. If word of this got out, that I was seeing you three, it could ruin me. It could ruin my father, the business, everything. I can’t risk that.”
“We understand,” Conner said, speaking for all three of them. “It’s smart, covering your ass.”
“Whatever it takes,” Oliver concurred, and his hand in hers squeezed, as if to offer his total support.
She appreciated that. This was unlike any venture or deal she’d ever made, and Sabrina would be lying if she claimed that she wasn’t shaking in her boots—or socks, as it were—just a little.
It wasn’t every day that three sexy brothers requested to have sex with you, as a team.
“So…how do we do this? How does this all work?” Sabrina had never been part of a threesome, let alone a polyamorous relationship. In fact, she’d always had a certain amount of prejudice about them, feeling that they were nothing short of an excuse to cheat. Now, even though her ideas on the subject hadn’t been changed, she could feel the draw and sense the underlying reasoning behind it.
They shared a mutual attraction and desire, and instead of creating war between them and fighting it out to see who would win, they were choosing to love and lust together.
She could almost respect that.
“We’ll take it day by day,” Conner answered.
“And what do you expect to have come of it,” she queried. “Is this supposed to be a relationship? Like, monogamous?” She almost laughed at that. Monogamy in a four-way?Good one, Sabrina.
“Yes, if we’re going to do this, it has to be between us,” William stated seriously. “We won’t see any other woman, and you won’t see any men outside of us.”
“As far as a real relationship,” Conner said, “that’s the goal. We’re not really looking for casual, but it can start that way, and we’ll see where it goes. No pressure.”
Oh sure, easy for them to say. No pressure? Sabrina was the one who was expected to entertain three men, when it was hard enough to keep the interest of just one. She couldn’t help feeling like this was a setup for failure, but like Conner said, they could approach this casually and see what happened.
She was okay with seeing what would happen. Life was known to throw curveballs, so it was impossible to say what tomorrow would bring.
Dropping her head down, Sabrina used her free hand to rub her eyes and sighed. “I know this is going to bite me in the ass later…but sure, okay, let’s give it a shot.”
When she lifted her head, Conner, William, and Oliver were grinning like loons.