Page 21 of Indecent Proposal
It was exactly the wrong moment for her to ask that, because that’s when their waitress appeared again with their drinks. As she set them down in front of the women, her face colored red and she rushed out, “Your appetizers will be ready in a minute,” and raced off like her ass was on fire.
Janet was waiting.
“We haven’t, uh, gotten to that yet.” And frankly, she was apprehensive for when they did. The logistics seemed complicated, to say the least.
“How have you not? My God, I would be all over that.” Janet had begun loud and reduced her assertion to a harsh whisper by the end. “Three guys at once? That’s next-level hot!”
“I know! I just haven’t done anything like that, ever, so it’s a little intimidating.”
“That’s part of the fun of it! You get to explore something new, learn some stuff, have somefun.” She winked and waggled her eyebrows suggestively.
All Sabrina could say was, “Yeah.”
“You’re not nearly as excited about this as you should be.” Janet’s forehead wrinkled and she studied Sabrina closely.
Spreading her hands out on the table, Sabrina stared at her raspberry iced tea. “It’s just all so new. I’m nervous, but I’m sure it’ll work out.” She sucked in a breath and covered her face with her hands, moaning, “I can’t believe I told you. This is so embarrassing.”
“Embarrassing? Do you know how many people I would gladly kill to get three men into my bedonce? Dozens, at least,” she clarified, then met the confused and somewhat horrified stare of a man at a table across from theirs. “What?” His eyes darted away immediately, and Janet went on with the conversation as usual.
Sabrina, in turn, was horrified.
“So, let’s discuss details. Have you waxed your hoo-ha yet? Gotten those talons you call toenails trimmed and polished?” Janet’s face brightened. “What about a vaginal rejuvenation?”
“Stop.” Sabrina couldn’t listen to her anymore. It was too much, too soon, and they were calling the attention of too many people for her comfort. “Let’s talk about this later. Somewhere else.” She let her eyes do the talking, expressing to her friend in that way they had without using words that she wasn’t on board with this line of conversation anymore and why.
Janet scowled at their neighboring tables, issuing warnings to all the eavesdroppers without censor, deepening Sabrina’s chagrin. “Fine,” she conceded. “We can pick this back up later when we don’t have so manybusybodieslistening.”
Somehow, she was only managing to make things worse, but Sabrina knew what she’d signed up for when she’d signed on to be Janet’s friend, and she couldn’t get rid of her now. As much as the woman tried her patience and put her in the spotlight more often than she cared to be, she was the best human being she’d ever met. Janet was something special, and if Sabrina was lucky, she would have her through all walks of her life to the very end.
With what appeared to be considerable effort, Janet changed the subject. “So, how is your dad’s penile dysfunction problem?”
Chapter Eleven
The week passed unmolested, but Sabrina was on edge. She spent her days walking the office halls waiting for…what? For one of the Hargreaves to pounce? If so, she’d been horribly wrong. They were perfect gentlemen, as if knowing intuitively that she needed some time to adjust to the idea of what they had agreed to embark on together. They merely checked in with her in the morning to see how she was doing and if she needed anything from them and what was on the agenda for the day. Then, if it was warranted, they’d tackle it together.
They didn’t touch her inappropriately, didn’t make verbal or visual passes at her. They were so respectful, in fact, she almost felt like she might have dreamed the whole agreement scenario. Then Friday evening came and blew any question she had right out of the water.
It was 5:00 PM, the end of the workday, and Sabrina had already wished Shawna a good weekend and boarded the elevator, when she heard someone call out, “Hold the door!” On autopilot, she stuck her hand between the closing doors, and they bumped against it then opened again.
In stepped William, Oliver, and Conner. They were otherworldly handsome in their custom-fitted black, navy, and charcoal-gray suits, sans ties because they’d already removed them and tucked them away in a breast pocket, as she’d come to notice they had a habit of doing at the end of each day.
She couldn’t withhold a smile, glad to see them, even though she’d spent the whole day circulating around each of them in turn.
They crowded in around her, surrounding Sabrina in their manly colognes that were all different but complemented each other in a way that made her head swim with desire. What was it about the smell of a man that triggered such a response? She’d always experienced that effect whenever she was walking through a throng of people or office or some other place and crossed paths with a man who smelled fantastic.
But this was next-level attraction. Maybe because she wanted them in a carnal way… It was enough to heighten her awareness and flip the switch on her sexual desires in a way that was amplified more than was natural or expected in a casual situation such as this. But there was nothing casual about this moment. It was in the air. Something was shifting between them, despite there being no obvious indicator to lead her to such a conclusion. She couldn’t place her finger on it, but she knew her time was running out. They were going to make their move soon, and then she would find herself pinned between three men in Lord only knew what type of situation, but she was certain, however it played out, clothing was strictly prohibited and pleasure was the name of the game.
Goose bumps pebbled her arms and legs beneath her clothing, despite the rising heat in the elevator. Sabrina was turned on, any reservations she had in her mind clearly not reflected in her body’s reaction.
As the elevator counted down the floors, the men continued facing forward, but Conner spoke first. “What are your plans this weekend, Sabrina?”
Momentarily caught off-guard, Sabrina stammered, “I-uh-I... Staying in, I guess?”
He nodded once, as if finding this acceptable. “I have to go out of town tomorrow. Won’t be back until Sunday evening.”
This was unexpected, and Sabrina wondered why she felt so disappointed. Had she been looking forward to spending time with him? Translation: had she been looking forward to their purposed sexual escapades?
“But Will and Ollie will be keeping you company.”