Page 37 of Indecent Proposal
Because she could feel her emotions folding in on her, all of the doubts and insecurities she’d worked so hard to keep a leash on getting away from her at an alarming rate.
“I’d ask why, but I already know.” Conner was the first to break the silence, but it only served to ramp up the tension. “My question would be why in the hell would you ever suspect me of such a thing? I thought we had a connection.”
“I thought so too,” Sabrina whispered, not trusting her voice.
“You didn’t even think to talk to me first. To us.”
“I didn’t see a need.”
He huffed angrily. “If we were working on a relationship, then that should have been the first thing you thought to do. I’d ask if you trust us, but again, the answer’s obvious.”
Sabrina, despite her best efforts, grew contrite. She didn’t enjoy being subjected to the third-degree. Even if she did deserve it. “It’s not like I know you all that well.” She spun around to face him. “You’re practically strangers to me. How am I supposed to suddenly trust you with my future? With my company?”
Conner’s countenance was downright scary as he closed the space between them. “I’ll tell you when. The moment you signed those papers bringing us into the fold, making us partners. The moment you got into the back seat of that car and let us escort you home.” His voice dropped lower, his words guttural. “The moment you let me kiss you, let me inside of you. And again when you let us all inside of you.”
Sabrina’s skin flared hot, her blood pumping through her veins like a raging wildfire, scorching her from the inside out. She was humiliated, shamed, and turned on by his accusations. Worse, she couldn’t deny any of it. He was right. As with any relationship, no matter how young it may be, they’d entered into an unspoken agreement, one that required a clean slate based on trust, and she was being held culpable because she’d violated that agreement at the first opportunity.
“I know you know better than to believe what you heard comes back to us. I don’t know who’s behind it or how it got out in the first place, but Iwillfind out. Trust me on that.”
The way he was looking at her, his eyes so full of hope and hurt and a desire to fix everything that had gone wrong between them, Sabrina couldn’t find her way back to being stoic, and she couldn’t muster up the attitude she usually wore as a shield when she felt too raw, too exposed. Like she did now. Conner made her feel open, as if there were no place to hide. And she didn’t want to. Not really. She wanted to step into his arms and beg him to erase all the doubts and hurt that she’d experienced since yesterday, since her father had told her about the leak in their personal life.
She wanted Conner to make everything better.
As it turned out, she didn’t need to voice any of that. Conner knew, with a single look, what she wanted from him, and he eliminated the last of the space between them to accomplish it.
Taking her face between his large hands, he pulled her face up to his and kissed her as if she meant everything to him, pouring all of his hurt and anger and frustration into it, bruising her lips at the same time providing her with a tenderness she’d never known. He was making love to her mouth, she realized, in the same way that he wanted to with his body—thatshewantedhimto with his body.
Sabrina wanted all of Conner in that moment. She wanted to toss away every shred of worry and pain of the last twenty-four hours and dive into the abyss of pleasure and comfort that he promised her.
“I want you.” She issued the request on a broken whisper as his lips continued to devour hers, and his touch only grew more aggressive and hungrier in response, and hers did in turn.
With sure hands and deft fingers, Conner made quick work of divesting her of her clothes, stripping her bare yet again. Sabrina couldn’t think of a single moment in her past when she ever felt so needy or desperate for someone’s touch. SheneededConner. In that moment, she could think of nothing else. All of the confusion that had passed between them took a back seat to her lust for him, and, if possible, amplified it.
When he had her down to her birthday suit, Conner paused long enough to look down, to view her through hooded, lust-filled eyes. Sabrina stood stock still, the only thing moving her heaving breasts as she tried to get a hold of her frantic breathing, but before she could feel self-conscious, Conner took a shuddering, reverent breath.
“Jesus…Christ. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”
Sabrina’s answering smile was radiant. She felt the warmth of a thousand suns roll through her, making her skin tingle.
Conner trailed his hands down her arms to her hips and then her thighs, tracing a sure path toward her center. “I’m still mad at you. I want to punish you, spank your little pink ass, and fuck you until you can’t sit down.” His words fueled Sabrina, and she popped the button on his jeans, rolled the zipper down, and reached inside to grasp his throbbing cock. “I want you, Sabrina. Now. All of you.”
“Then take me,” she challenged, lifting onto her toes to kiss and then bite his lower lip.
“I don’t want to share.” He slipped a thick digit through her folds, now slippery with her silken heat, and growled low in his throat as he plunged it deep inside.
Just then, Sabrina didn’t want to share either. She wanted to center all of her attention on this man, this larger-than-life man who wanted her as much as she wanted him, every hot inch. Gripping his shaft tighter, she angled it toward her slick center and, standing on her toes, braced against his shoulders as she kissed his mouth and rocked her hips, allowing the fat head to cleave through her lower lips, wetting itself as it glided past her eager opening and teased her swollen clit.
Their breathing grew choppy, desperation setting in as Sabrina controlled the ministrations, ratcheting their arousal to heights neither had previously known. It was part of a game for her, to get what she wanted—needed—from him, to bring him to the brink of sanity, where she now stood, feeling as if she would die if she didn’t have him inside of her—now.
Grabbed by impatience that she knew and felt well, Conner bent at the knee and grabbed her ass, hoisting her into his arms and impaling her with his cock in one fluid motion as he backed her toward the bed and dropped down on top of her. He didn’t pause, didn’t break in his mission to do just what he’d told her he wanted to do.
In fact, Conner made good on his promise in spades.
Pounding into her, he bit and licked and sucked her flesh, from her lips to her breasts. Taking both tender mounds into his greedy hands, he squeezed her breasts hard enough to cause a bolt of pain and issued the same punishing treatment to her nipples. Sabrina, overcome by sensation from above and below, was held hostage, a slave to whatever he wanted to do to her.
And she didn’t want him to stop. She wanted more. She wanted him to make good on his words, to leave her unable to sit or even walk. She wanted to feel him everywhere long after he was gone, to have the constant reminder of just how badly he wanted her and how brutally he conquered her.
Sabrina wanted to be dominated. She wanted to belong to him. She wanted it all.