Page 5 of Indecent Proposal
He chuckled under his breath and his lips met the sensitive spot beneath her ear, just above her neck, and Sabrina moaned, her hands reaching out to grip his sides so she didn’t fall over. Pure pleasure suffused her, with the promise of more to follow. She hoped. It would be a tragedy if she never got to taste those lush lips.
“You can have one kiss,” he told her, and when he drew back and angled her head back, Sabrina’s heart beat a little faster.
The moment his lips touched hers, she felt light-headed…or maybe that was the alcohol. Soft, gentle. He caressed her mouth with his…then pulled away before she was ready.
One kiss. That’s what he’d said. But it was far too little for her. She needed more. So much more.
Touching her fingers to her lips, Sabrina smiled to herself. “You’re a good kisser,” she said softly, hoping her simple praises would result in more.
“You have a kissable mouth.”
She flushed. Yet another first for her.
“Sabrina, can we take you home?” Conner asked.
Sobering somewhat, Sabrina realized she was standing in the middle of the sidewalk with three men she didn’t know, and who all seemed to want a piece of her. She still hadn’t decided if they were trying to trick her or not, but she was certain that, as men, they were at least trying to conquer her.
She should be utterly offended, but she wasn’t. Sabrina had been to this rodeo too many times not to know how to ride the bronco and win. She was used to men trying to deceive her, and she always enjoyed the moment when they realized they couldn’t.
Maybe she could get something she wanted out of this.
Or maybe she’d ruin everything with a single night of passion.
“Don’t think so hard,” William spoke up, rattling her thoughts. “It’s a simple question with a simple answer. Yes, you want us to see you home safely.”
When Sabrina bristled, Conner held up his hand to his brother. “We won’t take no for an answer,” he said more gently. “You’ve had a lot to drink tonight, and we have a driver. We’re only concerned with your safety. We’d hate it if something happened to you when we could have prevented it.”
Sabrina was wholly focused on Conner, but he kept saying “we,” reminding her that he wasn’t alone in his attraction. He and his brothers had formed a loose circle around her, their attention singular, but even surrounded by all that testosterone and clear intention, she didn’t feel threatened. If anything, she felt protected.
Checking her gut had never steered her wrong. If she turned them down, how would she get home? By cab? At least with them, she knew they were at least responsible and their name alone put them in the spotlight if anything happened to her. She was reasonably certain they wouldn’t try to kill her and stash the body.
“Okay, if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll take you up on that.”
Conner’s smile grew and he lifted his arm to wave toward the street. A moment later, a long black sedan navigated through the midnight traffic to the curb where they waited. William dove into the back first. Shaking his head, Oliver stood beside it as if holding it open for her, and Conner’s hand on the small of her back urged her forward. Passing Oliver a thankful smile, Sabrina climbed inside and scooted in next to William, who was doing the man spread, leaving only enough room for him and her on the bench.
Conner and Oliver slid into the opposite bench next, giving William a look of disapproval—not that he seemed to care. William was all arrogance, as if he’d scored the prize—her.
Sabrina wasn’t impressed. She twitched an eyebrow at Conner who covered a laugh with his hand. Oliver appeared amused too, but he was so stoic, so steady, she found it difficult to read him. What was he thinking?
As it turned out, there was no need to give directions. The driver already knew where she lived and took them there without any trouble.
When the car pulled up in front of her place, Sabrina reached for the door, only to have it pulled open before she could touch it.
Hesitating, she looked back at the Hargreaves, who were watching her with dark intensity. “Thank you for the ride.” They each nodded, and as the silence pressed on, she bit into her bottom lip, unused to the unsurety she was feeling. “I’ll see you in the office later.”
“I’d like to walk you up, if you don’t mind,” Conner asserted, already moving for his door.
She didn’t have time to say no before he was out of the car and waiting for her. Eyes darting to Oliver and William, she didn’t know what to say, so she smiled and eased out of the car herself.
Conner was waiting for her on the sidewalk, and he held out his hand as she approached. A sudden bout of nerves attacked her stomach as she accepted his offer and slipped her hand into his. With that self-assuredness she was quickly growing accustomed to, he led her inside the building to the bank of waiting elevators that would carry her to her loft.
But he didn’t leave her there. “Eight, right?” he asked as they stepped inside and he pressed the button for her floor. She merely nodded.
This was so unlike her, being so quiet and allowing the man to take the lead. Sabrina was used to being the dominate one, but something about Conner quieted that need in her to be at the helm. All night, she kept catching herself falling back and deferring to him. And she couldn’t seem to find a reason to hate it as much as she told herself she should.
It felt…good.
She couldn’t remember the last time she shut her mind off and allowed someone to take care of her, which was what he was doing. Conner and his brothers had seen to her safety, and now Conner was personally finishing it.