Page 24 of Who I Crave To Be
This was never supposed to be more than a weekend full of fun, now I find myself wishing that we are not what one another needs because I’m certain we aren’t what either one of us can truly have.
The song ends and he pulls me into him tightly, fusing his lips with mine as the kiss burns.It makes me feel superhuman and I’m left panting with a desire that leaves behind exquisite hunger that I can’t seem to sate.The song, the dance, it’s all too much to ignore.
We move through the party, into a small cabin shutting the door behind us, with an impulse to be inside one another.He spins me, lifting my silken dress to drape over my waist as he pins me to the door.Lifting me with firm hands, he settles me on his hardened steel and it fills me completely, making me gasp.My legs bend backward, curving to his hips as my breasts push into the door and he begins to fuck me hard and fast.
The passion of the night boils over, heating us with a fever that’s too hard to handle.My skin becomes flush, hypersensitive with a need only he can make flourish.I shake beneath him, fingernails raking through the wooden door, leaving my mark as I wonder who's on the other side.
Who is a door away from me and seeing me in unbridled pleasure?
The thought sparks a new high and a moment later, I’m coming undone and he grunts into my ear, filling me with his own mark.OneI’ll wear for the rest of the night.
“Your tight cunt feels so fucking perfect around my hard cock, baby girl.I’ve waited all my life for something to feel this right.This damn fucking sweet.”
I moan at his words, the sweet filth that kisses against my skin like an ancient lover.
“So fucking, sweet!”he states, before dropping me to my feet and falling to his knees so he can bury his face between my thighs and lick away all of our juices.
I cry out, shuddering as my legs quiver and I struggle to stay standing.He teases me like an expert, tongue exploring my fluttering folds before he reaches around to play with my clit.
It’s all too much, too soon.I’m still raw and sensitive from my orgasm so I tense, squirming under his touch until I’m forced into another orgasm that leaves me blinded.
I collapse, my legs giving way as he catches me and brings me to a gentle landing on his lap.Holding me tightly, he tilts my delirious face toward his and smiles down at me like the wolf who got the sheep.
“Where have you been all my life, Vienna?I can hardly believe all this time I thought what I was doing was truly called living,” he growls lowly, staring into my eyes like I’m a coveted sight he just can’t believe he's allowed to see.
The awe in his gaze is breathtaking and has a short gasp whispering past my lips.
“Guess I’ve been waiting for you to find me,” I reply, unable to help myself but to speak the truth.
Righting ourselves, we head back into the party.The whole evening, I’m never out of Deano’s arms, he refuses to part with me, taking comfort from my warmth as the air grows cold.
A middle-aged woman searches the crowd of party goers before they settle on us standing off to the side and she beams broadly, rushing over to us.“Deano!Ah!My boy!You’re here!”she gushes, pinching his cheeks in motherly affection before he pulls her into a tight hug.
“Ma, this is Vienna,” he offers proudly, and I panic a little at the thought of meeting his mother.
“Ah!Perfecto!She is stunning, Deano!I was told you brought a lady but I would not believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.I have insisted your father stay away, so as to not overwhelm you tonight.You know he’ll ask for the date of the wedding.”She winks, patting him firmly on the chest.She turns to me and pulls me into a bear hug making my eyes widen.For such a petite lady, she sure is strong.
“You, my girl, are a true sight of beauty.Welcome to the family!”She kisses my cheek before giving Deano a knowing look and wanders off into the crowd.
I turn to him a little shocked he hadn’t corrected her about who I am.And when I turn to face him fully,he doesn’t seem even the least bit hindered.
“That’s my mother, Maria.Which I would have told you had she not rushed off thinking that she might scare me away from bringing my woman back to these family events.”He chuckles, snuggling into me tighter as he pulls my back to his chest and buries his nose in my hair.
“Deano!”a deep voice calls and I turn to see a group of men approach us.
As they get closer, I realize they’re the same group from the club on Friday night.
One stops short when he sees me.He’s large and built like a tank but is shorter than I am in heels.His knowing brown eyes look me up and down before he barks out a scandalous laugh, and thumps Deano on the back who frowns back down at him.
“Fuck me!Deano finally brought the pussy!And a stripper no less!Tell me boy, how much does she charge for the night?”he gruffs like it’s all a big joke.
Only Deano isn’t laughing, he's vibrating.Physically vibrating from behind me with thick tension and damn right murderous rage.
His words from our breakfast the other morning came back to me.
Kill a man?If I thought somebody had disrespected you, I’d make him wish he was dead!
Does being called a hooker constitute?