Page 23 of Flame it Up
“Okay,” she replied, nodding. She really was feeling sick now, but it wasn’t from the sea.
“Do you want me to come with you?” Pyrus asked.
Mazie shook her head. “I’m fine. Well, I will be fine. I just need to lie down.”
“Okay,” Pyrus said. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“I will,” Mazie said softly. She hurried below deck as quickly as she could.
I have to get out of here!
Pyrus watched Mazie head downstairs, an ache in his chest and anxiety rising in his gut. He was sure that he’d done something wrong. She did look pale and weak, common signs of seasickness, but Pyrus was worried it was more than that.
He’d noticed she was nervous. It was obvious from the first moment she had gotten out of the car. Mazie had seemed to warm up while they were mingling. He couldn’t help but feel like he’d done something wrong.
I’ll have to think of something spectacular to do for her, something that will make her feel better.
Pyrus headed back to the main area, watching people swaying around the dance floor. The music was loud, and everyone was starting to get a bit drunk. He tried to convince himself that Mazie was just overwhelmed by the party.
After all, didn’t I find her on her own, camping in an isolated spot surrounded by darkness? It’s probably just the amount of people crammed on here.
As he headed to the bar, he assured himself that everything would be fine. Leaving her alone for a while was the best thing to do. After he’d given her a chance to rest, he’d go and look for her and make sure she was okay.
He was ordering a stiff drink when Priscilla approached him, leaning against the bar in her snug, glittering wrap dress.
“Hello, Pris,” he said, smiling. He’d known her for years, and she was fun to hang out with as well as being very business savvy and influential with all the right people. She was quite literally a wild cat, and he had never been tempted to sleep with her.
Pris blinked her big, pale green eyes, her pupils changing shape for the briefest of seconds. “I’m glad I found you, Pyrus. Where’s your date?”
“She went downstairs for a rest. Why? What did you want to talk to me about?”
“I’m surprised she didn’t drag you down below with her,” Pris said cattily. She tilted a champagne flute to her mouth and took a neat sip.
“What are you talking about?” Pyrus asked, thoroughly confused.
“Surely, she’s all over you every chance she gets,” Pris said. Pyrus shook his head.
“No. She’s not.”
“Really?” a voice said from behind him. Pyrus turned around to see Heidi behind him. “I thought she’d be throwing it in your face constantly. Maybe even trying to get pregnant.”
“What the fuck?” Pyrus muttered. “Will you two explain yourselves right now?”
“Darling,” Pris said, putting a hand on his arm. “We spoke to her for a while. All she could talk about was your money. She doesn’t care about you.”
“She talked about how stupid you are,” Heidi put in. “That you had no idea that all she wants is to milk you for all you’re worth.”
Pyrus looked between the two of them in disbelief. Finally, he laughed, leaning his head back and covering his face. “You girls,” he said, chuckling. “What are you playing at?”
“I’m trying to protect you, Pyrus,” Pris cried. “She’s going to destroy you.”
“Yes, darling, please, listen,” Heidi said, grabbing his arm. “She’s no good for you, and she doesn’t belong here.”
“Girls,” Pyrus said, shaking his head. He paused to take a good sip of strong whiskey, letting the fiery burn of it soothe him. “Mazie is not after my money. I don’t believe you. She would never say anything like that.”