Page 9 of Flame it Up
Mazie looked up into his face, and she was caught by his golden eyes. They would look pale brown in almost any light, but right now, with the late sun angling through the curls of smoke, they were a shining, flawless amber.
Maybe, it’s the dragon lingering in his blood. Those eyes do not look human.
His gaze had definitely entranced her. Now that her cool green eyes were locked onto his fiery ones, it was as if both of them were caught in a trap. She sensed unbelievable power and strength, a presence that went far beyond his impressive human shape.
Mazie took a step forward, feeling like she was drugged. She was being pulled to him, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Parts of her body that hadn’t stirred in years were suddenly awake, alive, and throbbing. Her lips parted, and she let out a tiny, breathy sigh, a sound of pure longing.
The man smiled, and her heart leapt to an even faster beat. His lips were dark red, the dramatic curve of his smile accentuating his noble features. Her gaze darted between his lips and his eyes as if trapped in a perpetual motion machine. She was hypnotized, but the sensations flooding through her were so powerful that she never wanted it to end.
Unless it just gets better once he starts touching me. I should get closer.
Mazie took another step toward him, and the man’s smile widened. His golden eyes shimmered with a light that came from within and had nothing to do with the setting sun. He reached out a hand, and Mazie took it.
“I am Pyrus,” he said softly. Mazie almost moaned aloud as the deep, resonant baritone stroked her senses. She tilted her head up and smiled, enjoying the dancing glints in his amber eyes that just grew deeper the closer she looked.
He cleared his throat again, and Mazie blinked, trying to clear her mind.
He said something, didn’t he?
His name!
“Pyrus,” she stuttered. “It’s nice to meet you, Pyrus.”
He raised his eyebrows, a truly mischievous grin dancing across his features. His eyes glinted a whole new shade of gold as he watched her.
“Mazie,” she said, forcing the word out through her throat. Nerves rose in her as she realized she’d stood there staring at his nakedness so hard that she had literally forgotten her own name. “My name is Mazie,” she said, letting her breath out in a rush.
Pyrus’s hand tightened on hers. “Nice to meet you, Mazie,” Pyrus said. “Are you all right? Did that man hurt you?”
“No, thank you, I’m fine,” she said. “No harm done.”
He smiled, a look of relief flooding across his face. Mazie became lost in his eyes again, enjoying the touch of his hand against her own.
Suddenly, the shrill sound of a siren broke through their quiet, private world. A gust of wind came along at that exact moment and lifted the smoke. It had been wreathed around them like a shield against the outside world, but now the world had come to them.
The area suddenly was flooded with authorities. Pyrus dropped her hand, and Mazie stepped away from him. A sense of panic surged in her … she didn’t want him to go away.
We only just met!
“I must go and explain to security what happened,” Pyrus said. “And find some clothes.”
“No rush,” Mazie muttered. He grinned.
“Not everyone will be as forgiving as you,” Pyrus joked.
“Can’t imagine why not,” she said, winking. She didn’t get a chance to say anything else as Pyrus disappeared toward a nearby patrol vehicle.
Gerri appeared out of nowhere, throwing her arms around Mazie and hugging her fiercely. “Are you all right? What a ruckus! I saw most of it, but then the smoke got in the way. Please tell me you’re okay.”
“Yes, yes, I’m okay,” Mazie assured Gerri. “Just a little shaken.”
“Good.” Gerri’s smile was dazzling. “I’m Gerri, by the way. You must be Mazie.”
It shocked Mazie that a billionaire would know the members of the corps so well. “I am. It’s really great to meet you. I have to get back to work, though.”
“What?” Gerri muttered.