Page 71 of The Iron Earl
“Stop, please, just stop.”
He looked down at her. The fear that had manifested in her eyes had been replaced with anxious worry.
Hell. He was scaring her. Scaring her and she was still trying to stop him—stop his anger from taking a hold of him.
But he needed that anger. Needed to carve it into a fine, deadly point that would be unleashed once he traveled back to Stirling and found Mr. Molson.
The main drive. The main drive would be faster than the trail.
He spun away from her, trying to shake her from his arm as he stalked toward the drive. “I’m going back to Stirling.”
“No, you cannot, Lachlan.” Her heels dug into the fallen leaves, the dirt, and she wouldn’t let him go even as he dragged her along with him. “Just stop—you can’t go back.”
Her toe tangled with a root that tripped her feet. She fell forward, her hold slipping down his arm.
Shake her off and she’d fall to the ground—and he’d be free of her. Free to go kill the bastard.
Or help her to her feet.
He glanced back at her dangling from his arm.
Blasted stubborn woman.
He spun, grabbing her arm and yanking her upward until her feet were solid under her. For a long moment their stares locked only inches away from each other, her breath heavy against his.
“Dammit to Hades, Eva.” Lachlan let her arm go and ripped off his right glove. He shook his hand, staring down at his bloody knuckles. “This is why you didn’t tell me back at the courtroom, isn’t it?”
Her hands slipped from his upper arm even though she still looked ready to strike—to reach out and tackle him once more if needed. “Yes. I didn’t want you to approach Mr. Molson in your current state. He is well connected through my stepfather—through the Duke of Wolfbridge.”
“You think I give a damn about his connections? You think that the man doesn’t need to have my knuckles implanted into his nauseating face?”
“I think I don’t want to see you hanged for murder.” Her arms folded across her chest. “And I especially don’t want him to see me.”
“You think I cannot protect you?” His words seethed through gritted teeth.
“You need to stop telling me what I’m thinking, Lachlan.”
“Then tell me what the hell you are thinking, Evalyn.” His hands curled into fists. She noticed the motion immediately, her gold-green eyes flickering down to his hands before they lifted to study his face.
She didn’t take a step back. Didn’t cower. “What I’m thinking is that Mr. Molson doesn’t know I’m here in Scotland—doesn’t know I escaped Wolfbridge with you. He would have already come for me at Vinehill if he knew. He and my stepfather. He thinks he owns me, Lachlan, and he was done waiting for my stepfather to give me to him. They played a game of their own perverse battle of wills—and I was the ultimate prize. I knew that. And I knew it was soon to be over, that my stepfather was handing me over to him.” Her right hand lifted from her chest and she rubbed her forehead. “Mr. Molson is not about to give one of his possessions up—and that’s exactly what I am—a trinket to pull out and abuse whenever the mood strikes him.”
Her voice cracked on her last few words and he realized how very terrorized she was at the possibility that Mr. Molson saw her. Her fear didn’t have anything to do with his ability to protect her. Didn’t have anything to do with the fact that she was now his wife. It had everything to do with the years of living in fear of her stepfather and Mr. Molson.
His fists unclenched.
“Please, Lachlan.” Her hand dropped from her forehead. “It is easier for everyone if he doesn’t even know I’m here with you. That we married. I could be on a ship to America for all he is aware.”
“He’s going to find out eventually, Eva. Both he and your stepfather have too many dealings in the area not to find out. It’s no secret at Vinehill that I took a wife.”
“Yes, but the longer it takes…” Her chest lifted in a deep sigh. “It’s just better this way—time—time will help.” Her right cheek lifted in a wry smile. “Forever would help.”
Lachlan exhaled a deep breath, his rage dissipating.
She was right.
What she didn’t need was her husband stalking off fully cocked and ready to destroy a man. If he removed Mr. Molson permanently from her life the cost would be his own life and that would leave her to the mercy of her stepfather again.