Page 89 of The Iron Earl
He stomped through the wide opening and into the daylight, turning the corner, disappearing.
Her feet shuffled to a stop and she stood, silence pounding in her ears.
Stunned he didn’t strike her. Hadn’t even made a motion to do so. And she had pushed him so far. Too far.
He’d proved himself to be the man she knew he was.
He wouldn’t hurt her, no matter what she did or what she said.
She loved him.
Completely and wholly and without doubt.
A breath seeped from her lips. Long and slow and painful. The reality of how her world had just truly crumbled around her came into brutal focus.
She had delved too deep into a lie that went beyond the pale. Told him he was unworthy. Told him he was weak.
A tear slipped down her cheek. She hadn’t considered this, coming back from her words. How they would wound him.
How horrible, horrible, horrible she’d just acted.
She had to find him.
Her feet flying, she started down the main aisle of the stable, the only thing pulsating in her mind the need to catch Lachlan, to fall at his feet and beg for forgiveness for her monstrous lies.
She ran six steps when an arm flew out of nowhere, cutting her at the waist, knocking the wind out of her. She fell flat onto her back, sprawling into the dirt and hay.
Shock clouding her mind, she rolled in the dirt, trying to force air into her hemorrhaging gut.
Her eyes cracked open and shiny brown boots, the tips of them lined with steel, appeared in front of her eyes.
“He abandoned you, didn’t he? Abandoned you like the coward he is.”
Her eyes lifted, the face hazy above her.
But she knew the voice. Knew it all too well.
Mr. Molson.
{ Chapter 20 }
“Y—you?” She gasped, still trying to force air into her lungs. “Wh—what are you doing here?” Ice seeped into Evalyn’s veins, shriveling her from the inside out.
“Who do you think brought your stepfather here, Evalyn? You think I didn’t see you in that courtroom in Stirling?”
She blinked, his face coming into hideous, undeniable focus. Same wide nose that took up half his face. Same meaty neck that fell straight from his chin. Same soulless brown eyes that pinched at the edges. Same greasy brown hair tied back with a snatch of leather.
Mr. Molson leaned down and grabbed her arm, ripping her from the ground to her feet. “And now I get a nice surprise as my reward. The little mousey ready to leave.”
Evalyn twisted her arm, trying to free herself. “What? No—”
“Oh, I heard you, Evalyn. And you’re right about that fool you married. He’s no match for me, so better he not even try.” Mr. Molson started to drag her deep into the stables. “Come with me, mousey, I have something to show you.”
She hit at his arm, digging her heels into the dirt, dragging them. “No. I’m not going anywhere with you.”
He jerked her so viciously it made her head snap back.