Page 97 of The Wolf Duke
Still draped over the side of the boat like a wet rag, her body writhed, expelling surge after surge of the sea from her lungs and stomach.
He glanced at Falsted, still on the bottom of the boat on the opposite side of them. “Stay there—counterbalance.”
Falsted nodded and Reiner pulled himself up and over the edge of the boat. He sat on the front bench beside Sloane, his hand splaying on her back, almost afraid to touch her. Afraid if he moved her from the spot she was in all the water in her lungs would stay in place and drown her fully.
Six more heaves, and her body stilled, her breath panting.
Normal enough for him.
Reiner grabbed her fully, pulling her into the boat and onto his lap. His arms wrapped around her, tucking her under his chin, clutching her to him. Clutching her away from death and back to the living.
Falsted scrambled to the oars, sitting with his back to them as he worked them toward the shore.
Reiner looked past Falsted’s head to the ship, noting the scrolled name adorning the rear of the ship. TheMinerva. “Does Bockton look to come after us? Did any come down on boats in pursuit?”
“No. The sails have already caught wind.” Falsted shook his head, not turning to look at Reiner. “He’s more intent on making it out to sea before the Royal Navy catches the ship. If he doesn’t get to the continent, he’s done for.”
Reiner grunted. For as much as he wanted to crush Bockton into the cold ground, he couldn’t do a thing about it in his present state. That would have to wait until another day.
“You’re naked.” Sloane’s voice, small and scratchy, wafted up to him.
He pulled his head back and looked down at her. Her blue eyes were wide and clear. A breath he didn’t know he held escaped him. “And you’re nearly naked in your chemise.”
“I had to cut my gown away.” She stretched backward against his arms, her limp fingers going to her stomach and rubbing at the thin fabric. Her eyes closed with a wince. “I got it mostly off, but then I had to saw it away from my legs. I started kicking, but then everything went black.”
“It was enough.” He kissed her forehead, her skin far too cold from the sea for his liking.
Her eyes popped open. “You saved me naked. Why did you save me naked?”
“My trousers were slowing me down.”
She nodded, her eyes squinting at him in confusion for a long moment. Then a smile found its way to her lips. “That makes sense. But now we are both near to naked in a desolate cove.”
“I’m positive Lord Falsted will scurry with haste to the cottage on the inland ridge and retrieve us proper enough clothes for the journey back to Wolfbridge.”
“Falsted?” Her head swiveled to look at the back of Falsted.
To the man’s credit, he kept his eyes forward, his pulls of the oars steady.
She looked up at Reiner. “You have some explaining to do.”
A smile he couldn’t quite control came to his face. “As do you.”
{ Chapter 22 }
Reiner lifted her out of the boat after pulling it ashore. Off to fetch clothing, Falsted was already to the high edge of the cove, scrambling up the shifting sands that led from the beach.
Reiner held her for a moment in midair, clasping his warm body to hers as though the effort it took to leave her in the skiff at the water’s edge as he pulled the boat in had crushed his very soul.
She didn’t mind.
He’d put on his boots and his lawn shirt, and it hung low enough onto his thighs that it mostly covered what needed to be covered. He’d draped his waistcoat about her, which covered mostly what needed to be covered under her wet, transparent chemise.
Not that she minded him naked. Not at all. Not when she had just lived through moments where she’d thought she’d never see him again—and most certainly not in the nude.
He let her slide down his body, her toes burying into the sand.
“Ouch.” Pain shot up her legs when her weight settled on her feet and she started to fall. “My feet.”