Page 76 of The Steel Rogue
“The in-between?” Sienna’s left eyebrow arched.
Torrie waved her hand between them, not able to fully explain. “Moments that define you. Moments that will not leave you be, that steal your peace. Moments you cannot escape. They drag you downward, sink you into the in-between.”
Sienna nodded slowly, recognition flickering in her blue eyes.
She knew about the in-between—had lived it—it was clear in her eyes. A kindred soul in the most unlikely of places.
“You will try? Try to stop him?”
It took only a breath to decide. Torrie nodded. “I will. I will try again. Where is he?”
{ Chapter 18 }
Five more minutes and he’d be gone.
Gone before he saw Torrie again. Gone before he would see her face and drop to her feet, begging forgiveness, begging her to erase the words he’d said to her.
There would be time for that later.
If he was lucky.
If he lived.
He couldn’t tell her the real danger she was in. That Bockton was specifically after her. That he’d use her mercilessly, torturing her to get to him. He’d told Logan, and that was enough. His brother would keep Torrie safe.
Roe tossed an extra lawn shirt into his haversack and looked about the room, making sure he hadn’t forgotten anything. For all the opulence Logan’s estate supplied—fine sheets and brandy, the comfort of good food and fire—he felt a certain unease with it all.
One extra shirt. One extra pair of stockings. Coin. Tinderbox. Dagger in his boot.
That was it. That was the extent of all the worldly possessions he needed.
He stepped out of the room, his boots clunking onto the wood planks of the corridor when the sound of pounding feet, running, stopped him in his tracks.
“Stop, Roe. Stop.”
He turned to the right to see Torrie speeding down the hallway toward him, her hand waving in the air as if her fingers could magically make him stop from afar.
Damn Sienna.
Damn her and her meddling ways. He was almost out to his horse. Almost gone.
“Please, Roe, please.” Torrie skidded to a stop in front of him, her green eyes frantic, her breath panting, sending her chest up and down in a wild dance. “You dinnae need to go.”
Dammit all to hell.
What he wouldn’t give to grab her and drag her three steps backward into his room, his mouth ravaging her neck, her breasts, the crux of her.
Ten minutes. That’s all it would take. To see her face open to him, her lips parting in screams only he could manifest.
But it would cost him too much. Far, far too much.
His shoulders pulled back, the grave line of his mouth pulling tighter. “I do. I’ve already told you I’m leaving.” He moved to step around her.
She jumped in front of him, her head craning up to him. The vein along her elongated neck throbbed, from running or anger, he wasn’t sure. Probably both.
“Stop, just stop and listen to me, Roe—look at me.”
His feet stilled. He couldn’t get around her without touching her and that was something he wasn’t prepared to do. Not with the bedroom door open just a step away.