Page 31 of The Devil Baron
His mouth moved away from her lips and he dipped to the front of her chest, dragging down the bodice of her chemise as his tongue found her left nipple. Just as taut as the right one. His lips clasped about the tip and it sent her mind into a spinning black whirlwind.
He sucked her breast fully into his mouth and she gasped, grunting, the sound awful to her ears but uncontrollable on her tongue. Again and again as her body rocked against him. Her fingers had found their way to the back of his neck, her nails digging into skin, holding him onto her breast, needing his teeth raking against her nipple as he ground his fingers against the crux of her.
His teeth holding her nipple in place, he flickered his tongue over the tip of it, his thumb and finger mimicking the motion deep in her folds on her nubbin. The simple but increasingly complex motion, repeated with unyielding accuracy until she was writhing, the grunts from deep in her chest rising into breathless screams.
One hard swipe with his thumb down the center of her and she splintered, screaming, her core spasming, twisting into tight coils that spiraled out in harsh throbs through her body.
And still, her body demanded more.
Instinct sent her hand downward, fumbling until she found his member, straining hard and long in his trousers, and she wrapped her fingers around it. Needing more of him. Needing him to fill the raw ache that sat at the crux of her, somehow still unsatisfied. Needing him to feel what was coursing through her. Feel it just the same as her.
Abruptly, he pulled away from her. Cold air drifting in his wake.
“What?” It took her a fuzzy moment before her hand flew away from his shaft and she clasped her hand over her mouth, the haze of lust blinking from her eyes.
Instantly horrified.
What had she just done? Had she reacted so hideously to what he just did to her that he was scrambling to escape her presence?
Onto his feet, Rafe stared down at her. “I’m not compromising you, Vic. I swore it. And I never make vows.”
“You never…” Her gaze dropped, her head shaking in confusion, her body still flush with lust and her core still spasming deep within her. The juxtaposition of the pleasure rolling through her body and angry Rafe staring down at her didn’t make sense.
Her look snapped up to him. “Then why did you make this one?”
“You asked.”
She gasped a breath, her head shaking. All control. She’d lost all control and she was ghastly. “I’m not good, am I? At any of it? I’m clumsy and awkward and—”
His hand whipped forward and he gripped her face, his palm on her jaw, his fingers squeezing her cheeks to halt her words.
He leaned down, setting his eyes before hers, his voice seething. “You are none of those things. And this?”
His other hand dropped down to the crux of her again, diving inward, his middle finger plunging into the folds of her still spasming core and he froze. His head dropped, his face hiding from her.
Up and down, several strokes with his finger and then he withdrew his hand from her folds, his fingers trailing upward over her chemise along the center line of her body. Over her stomach, between her breasts, slowly, torture wrapped in every shift of his fingers across her skin.
He pulled his hand away, lifting it between their faces, her juices still clinging to his finger. “This is what men kill for.”
He slipped his finger into his mouth, sucking it as he released her jaw and took a step back. Then another. And another.
Still sucking his finger. Licking every last morsel of her off his skin.
Until he abruptly turned and stalked out of the door, slamming it behind him.
She collapsed back onto the bed, her stare on the door.
What in the hell was that?
{ Chapter 10 }
Light streamed in, burning through her eyelids and dragging her from the warm stillness of sleep.
Victoria opened her eyes, her face instantly scrunching at the light burning her irises. She rolled over on the bed, searching to fall back into the darkness.
She hit a wall. Her bed didn’t have a wall next to it.
Her eyes opened fully.