Page 45 of Wicked Exile
Apparently, she hadn’t been cautious enough in her words.
Juliet knocked on Ness’s door and paused. No response.
That was usual, so she opened the door, peeking in on Ness. To her surprise, Ness was sitting up on the edge of the bed ina fresh wrapper and night rail,her legs dangling off the side of the bed, her feet bare. Gertie wasn’t in the room.
Her hair wet, Ness dragged a fattortoiseshell combthrough her deep brown locks. Juliet hadn’t realized her hair was so thick and long as it had always been weaved into a braid as she had huddled herself in the bed.
“You took a bath.” Juliet couldn’t keep the joy of those words out of her voice. She liked Ness and considered her a new friend, even if they’d only known each other for mere days. Once Juliet had cajoled Ness into talking, she’d learned Ness had the kindest heart—a heart that had been brutalized during the past years in her marriage to Gilroy.
The comb pausing in mid-stroke, Ness looked to Juliet and smiled. Her gold-brown eyes were clear and focused. “I did.”
“Do you feel like a new woman?”
Ness gave her a small smile. “I feel like I can move about again. Like I don’t need to disappear into the depths of the bed. That is a start, I imagine.”
Juliet stopped halfway across the room. “Did you eat? I am happy to run down to the kitchens and grab you a plate. Cook made the most delicious roasted grouse this eve. And the parsnips were coated by a thick, sweet syrup and I’ve never seen a body that wasn’t energized by sugar.”
Ness’s eyes twinged, as if a sudden spasm of pain had rolled through her body. “I did. Gilroy brought it up.”
Juliet’s eyebrows drew together and she took a cautious step forward. “He did?”
“He did,” she whispered, her voice haunted.
In that moment, Juliet noticed the shake in Ness’s hand holding the comb. She looked away from Juliet, sending the comb down the length of her hair.
Juliet moved in front of Ness, pulling with her the chair that had sat by the side of the bed. She sat, her left hand reaching out and rubbing Ness’s knee. “Tell me.”
Ness’s eyes closed, her head shaking.
“You can tell me. It will go no farther than these lips.”
Ness stilled, then drew in a shaky breath. “He’s going to kill me.”
“What? No. Who’s going to kill you? Gilroy?”
Her eyes opened, full with unshed tears. “Please don’t tell him I said that. Please. I never should have said such a thing. I should—”
“Stop, Ness.” Juliet squeezed her knee. “I would never say a word to him on what you’ve told me. Never. I have heard the fear in your voice every time he is mentioned and I would never betray your confidence.”
“You wouldn’t?”
“Never. So, tell me.” Juliet patted her knee and then sat back in the chair. “Why do you think that?”
“It is what he’s said since this babe was lost. The second one. That I am worthless. That I serve no purpose in this house. That I am weak. That I cannot do the one thing women are meant to do. That there is no place for the fragile in his world. That no one would miss me if I were to just disappear.”
“He said all those things?” Juliet’s jaw dropped slightly. She couldn’t imagine Evan uttering even one of those repulsive words—how was it possible his brother, his own blood, was so hateful? “But you don’t think he would actually kill you?”
Ness’s amber eyes pinned her with a stare. Fear and death and an aching sadness quivered deep within them. “I don’t want to think it so. But I have not convinced myself yet that he didn’t mean what I’m sure he was threatening.”
Juliet leaned forward. “He is hurting, I imagine. Just the same as you. Some men…they have no way to control the awful thoughts in their heads, and those thoughts that should never be uttered out loud, are. I am sure that is what has happened and I can see how deeply this has wounded—scared you. But I am here for you. I will help you however I can. Should I talk to Evan?”
“No.” Her eyes went wide in panic. “No. You mustn’t repeat a word of this.”
“Then I won’t.” Juliet’s response was immediate and emphatic. She’d never betrayed a confidence before. She wasn’t about to start now.
“Thank you.” The smallest smile came to Ness’s lips. “I don’t know how or why the fates sent you here, but I will confess, you are the only reason I am still alive.”