Page 52 of Wicked Exile
“I want you, Juliet. I want every part of you with me for a hell of a lot longer than the rest of this week. For—”
“It doesn’t matter.” Her hand flew up, her palm to him to stop his words. “It doesn’t matter what you say, what you think or feel.”
The line of his jaw went hard. “It does.”
“No, my past will always be in your mind—always. Last night was proof of that.”
He shook his head. “No, not if…”
Her arm fell and folded back along her ribcage. “Not if what?”
He ventured a step forward, closing in on her, her body within arm’s reach. “You know how I knew what you were doing to me last night?”
Her bottom lip jutted upward with a glare and she shook her head.
“You weren’t screaming.”
“Your body wasn’t vibrating under my hands. Screams weren’t at your lips. Your limbs weren’t clenched around me. When you are coming, I know you’re mine. I know there is only us. Only our bodies. Not the past. Not the future.”
He took a last step forward, his stare locked on her eyes. “And last night you weren’t screaming. You were servicing.” His right hand lifted and he swiped his thumb gently across her lips. “These lips weren’t gasping for breath, begging for release.”
Slowly, feeling every swell, every crevice, he circled his thumb about her lips. “It’s then that I know you’re mine. Mine alone. That I have a piece of you that’s never belonged to someone else.”
She looked up at him, challenging. Stubborn. But softening. “You don’t know that.”
“I do. It’s how you say my name. How your body shakes. How your soul is bared to me in these beautiful, stormy blue eyes. I capture part of you that no one has ever had before.” His thumb drifted downward from her lips and he cupped his hand along her jawline. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
Her lips parted as she drew a breath. A heartbeat passed, then two, three. She exhaled it, surrender in the wisp of her words. “You’re not wrong.”
His mouth collided into hers, his hands wrapping around her body, dragging her up into him. He’d come to live for this during the last week—her body tight against his, his tongue delving deep into her to taste her, her hands that were so quick to remove his clothes.
Hell—she already had his lawn shirt half dragged up his torso. Not fair.
He broke the kiss for only a second as she yanked the shirt past his head, and his hands went down to her body, desperate for her skin on his. Her wrapper and flimsy night rail so quick to strip from her body, he had what he wanted in seconds, the heat of her skin against his, her body naked to him.
Wrapping his hand along the back of her head, he found her mouth again, drinking in the soul of her. Damn, he would never tire of kissing her, the sweet of her mouth, her light breath that sent the air of heaven into his lungs.
She came at him with wanton fury, her hands ripping open his trousers, shoving down the cloth until his body was bared the same as hers. Her tongue warring against his, the need to be inside of her reached a frenzy along his cock, but he tried to slow it, steeling himself.
She had none of it, wrapping her hand around his neck and lifting herself up along his body, her legs wrapping around his waist.
How bloody much did she think he could take? She was going to kill him one of these times, for the toll the sheer control on his muscles took to not slam into her body like a wild beast.
His left hand sank underneath her backside, supporting her and driving him to a new level of madness. Her mouth never left his as she lifted her hips, finding his shaft, and she drove down onto him.
Hell dancing with heaven.
Three steps forward and her back slammed harder into the drapery along the wall than he’d intended. She didn’t pause, her hips already writhing against him, demanding him even deeper. Carnal and unrestrained, just as he most adored her.
His lips pulled from hers and he buried his face in her neck, his tongue ravenous on her skin as he withdrew slowly. Too slow, for the instant nails into his back, the low scream bubbling from her lips with her panted breath.
He slammed back into her and the scream burst forth. His name, wrapped in torture and pleasure.
Again, again.