Page 51 of Dangerous Exile
His head at her breast, she couldn’t see downward. So she moved her right hand inward, brushing along his shaft. Brushing again until she could grab a hold of him, dragging her fingers along the smooth span of his member. Heaven help her, there was no way they would fit together. Not with the girth. The length.
“Damn, Ness.” A guttural rumble vibrated his tongue as he swirled it about her breast and his hands ran down to her thighs, sending shivers along her skin in the wake.
Her dress was gone. Her chemise as well. She needed to pay more attention to the clothes stripping off her body.
Talen kicked his way out of his boots and trousers and then set his hands under her backside. His fingers clenched into her skin as he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him.
His cock suddenly long and hard along the crux of her made the insistent throbbing in her folds spike. His hips grinded, teasing his length against her, and her breath lodged in her chest.
With a crushing kiss, he barged four steps forward and her back hit the wall through the long drapes alongside the window. Velvet dragged along her back, cushioning her from the hard plane of the wall.
He pulled away, yet his teeth stayed attached to her bottom lip, nipping, tugging. Talen liked to skirt to the edge of pain and she wondered just how much he liked it.
The second his bite let her free, she returned in kind, raking his lower lip between her teeth. Too hard. The metallic taste of blood touched her mouth—not her own. It only sent a growl ripping through him and he attacked her neck with a fury, dancing to that edge of pain again.
So much energy swirling within her from a thousand directions. His mouth. His hands. His cock pressing along her folds.
“Forward?” His voice raw, the one-word question rumbled into her neck.
“Yes.” The word came out weak, already wearied. “Yes.” She repeated, full force, almost a scream as his fingers twisted her right nipple, sending shockwaves down to her core. If she was going into this, she was going into it with genuine intention.
He exhaled like a tiny death had embraced him, pausing for a moment, his breath on her neck, his muscles twinging before he moved again.
Holding her up against the wall with his left hand under her, Talen angled his hips slightly away, grabbing his shaft and positioning it at her entrance, ready to plunge.
She tilted her head back, her eyes closing with a grimace, bracing herself.
He stopped, the whole of him frozen in motion. “What are you doing?”
His words cut through the haze muddling her mind and she dropped her chin and opened her eyes to him. “What?”
“The grimace on your face that just traveled through your entire body.”
Her eyes dipped down between them. She’d meant to hide it. “This part hurts.”
“Hurts? Hell, Ness.” He reached up with his right hand, lifting her chin so she looked at him. “It hurts?” His eyes searched her face.
She nodded, sudden heat flaming her cheeks. “It always does.” Her fingernails clawed into his back. “I don’t care, I want you. Want you inside of me. Even with the pain.”
With a shake of his head, his hands dropped her backside downward, setting her feet onto the floor.
For a full second, he looked to leave her. Abandon her with this throbbing, aching need for him that needed to be sated.
Instead, he dropped down onto his knees in front of her, his mouth going to her upper belly, the edge of his top teeth raking across her skin. “Devil take it, you taste so good. Every part of you.” He worked his way downward past her belly button.
Without warning, his finger slipped in between her folds and she went up on her toes, the shock of him finding her nubbin sending her body into a quiver. She could feel him smile against her lower abdomen.
Dragging his fingers deep along her folds, seeking, he dipped his middle finger into her. “You’re already so wet for me.”
Hell, that was what that was? For as many times as Gilroy had battered into her, she’d never felt this. Her body had never once reacted this way.
“But we can do better.” The rasp in his voice dripped with arrogance.
His thumbs traced inward along her thighs and he spread her legs slightly, his mouth finding the crux of her. His tongue slipped out, following the same path that his finger had forged.
Shock jerked her body farther up the wall, her right hand pushing off from his shoulder.
Heaven to hell, what he was doing was torture. Pure, unadulterated, delicious torture.