Page 16 of Destination: Venice
I kiss the top of her head. “Maya.”
“I didn’t mean to wake you.” She kisses my forearm, pushing her ass back into my cock as it hardens against her ass. “But I’m sure there is a very excited little boy downstairs wanting to hear all about our date last night.”
“I can think of plenty of other things I want to be doing right now.” I thrust my hips forward, my cock hardening with need. “If you don’t stop moving, you’re going to get my cock for breakfast.”
Maya moans in pleasure as she pushes her ass out again, rubbing my cock between her ass cheeks. “Promise?”
I loosen my arms just enough for her to spin around, throwing her leg over my hip and lining her pussy up with my cock. Just as I’m about to slide inside her, someone pounds loudly on the door.
“I gave you both until double digits. Hurry and get dressed and head downstairs. I’ve held off Enzo as long as I could.”
“Gotta love my family.”
Maya giggles, dropping her head to my chest and planting a kiss in the center. “Do you think she may just go away?”
I chuckle, knowing damn well there’s no chance Morgan won’t come barging into my room if I don’t give her some sign of life in the next few minutes.
“Nope. It will be her or Enzo. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather be dressed when someone comes barging into the room.” I give her a pained smile as she unwraps herself from my body. “Give us a minute!”
I pull myself up into a sitting position as Maya swings her legs over the bed and saunters toward the bathroom. My eyes follow her, tracing their way down her body as images of fucking her on every surface in the room—not that there are many left after our session last night—run through my mind.
“Down, boy.” She winks as she slowly closes the bathroom door, cutting off my view of her delectable body from view. After a few moments, I hear the shower turn on, letting me know it’s relatively safe to let my cousin into the room.
You’d think Morgan would make herself scarce and let us take our time to come down to breakfast, but I know my cousin. She is anything but courteous, her curiosity winning out over common sense every time. Not wanting to take the chance of her seeing me naked, I throw my legs over the bed and slide my pants back on just in time for the door to swing open.
“You two better be decent.” Morgan inches through the door, her hand covering both her eyes and the right arm stretched out to ensure she doesn’t bump into anything.
“Maya is in the shower.” I roll my eyes at Morgan as she drops her hand, a smirk covering her face.
“I would say I’m sorry, but I don’t mean it,” Morgan says as she takes a seat on the couch in the small sitting area near the window. “Anywho, Enzo is waiting downstairs for breakfast. I made him promise not to bother you before ten, which is in about ten minutes.”
Morgan winks in my direction as she stops the cart beside the small table near the balcony door. “So, how was last night? A little birdy told me you barely touched your dinner. I bet the two of you are starving.”
“We were a little preoccupied.” I rub the back of my neck.
“I can tell. No shame in your game.”
“Thank you,” I say, knowing those two words don’t even cover how I feel.
If it weren’t for Morgan and her meddling, I never would have met Maya. She’s the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.
“You’re welcome,” she replies before releasing me and heading toward the door. “Just so you know, I booked myself for a trip to London on my birthday in a few months. I’m taking a paid vacation and you’re giving me a bonus for being so awesome.”
“Are you sure you deserve all of that?” I chuckle, dropping onto the couch. My eyes flit toward the bathroom door.
“You think I don’t?” She raises her eyebrow at me in question. “At least I didn’t ask you to name your firstborn after me, although Morgan would make an amazing name for a boy or a girl.”
Images of Maya round with my child filter through my mind, reminding me for the first time that we didn’t use any protection last night. She may very well be pregnant right now, and that doesn’t scare me in the slightest. Maya is it for me. I’ve known that since the first moment I saw her.
“Congratulations, G.” Maya smiles at me brightly. “It’s about time you found a woman to tame the savage beast.”
“I wouldn’t say tamed, but reformed?” We both laugh loudly before a quizzical look crosses Morgan’s face.
“Are you sure about all of this? You two did just meet yesterday, and now you’re expecting her to upend her whole life for you.”
I hesitate for a moment, wondering if she’s right and I’m moving too fast. It was only yesterday that I swore the only thing I needed in my life was the vineyard, the exact opposite of everything I’m planning in my head as we speak.
“Can we ever be sure about anything?” I question, thinking about what happened to my Matteo and Sofie.