Page 10 of Girl Violence
Austin throws his bottle and moves away from his car. Josette, and everyone else, hold their breath when he grabs Vince’s jacket and roughly pulls him back until they’re almost touching noses. “You don’t leave unless I tell you to,” he spits. “You got it?”
Josette’s heart feels like it stops when Vince slams both his hands into Austin’s chest. He flies back, crashing to the ground. It’s like one of those weird moments when everything moves in slow motion. People stop their actions, all heads twisting to look at the scene unfolding.
Anticipation is thick in the air as Josette stares wide-eyed between Vince and Austin. But instead of a fight breaking out like everyone expects, the weirdest thing happens. Austin bursts out laughing instead. His bark of laughter echoes around the silence of the park, slicing through the tense atmosphere. All eyes widen in shock. Everyone knows Austin thinks with his fists. Actually, he doesn’tthinkwhenever it comes to a fight. The few times Josette has seen him beat on someone, it’s been uncomfortable to watch. He’s brutal and relentless. But as her eyes flash to Vince, it slowly makes sense why Austin is laughing instead of fighting.
Vince looks dangerous. In a way that Josette has never seen before and is shocked by. His dark eyes burn with rage, and he’s breathing hard, pumped for a fight. He even looks excited about it. Something she thinks Austin knows. Vince will probably beat the shit out of him, destroying his reputation in front of everyone here, and that’s why he’s laughing.
“What the hell?” Alyssa says in the background, and for once, Josette agrees with her.
Austin gets up, and Josette waits for him to turn rabid. He doesn’t. Instead, he claps at Vince and says something to him that Josette can’t hear. Turning away, he shrugs when there are a few disappointed protests from his friends.
“Ah, shut up,” he says to them. As Austin drags him back to where they’re all standing, Vince isn’t smiling. He glances at Josette briefly, and she gives him a questioning look, but he turns away. She guesses he doesn’t know either.
The music comes back on, and people immediately huddle to talk. Josette notices a few girls staring at Vince, and her eyes roll. Great. Now he has groupies.
“That was pathetic, Austin,” Alyssa sneers, her nose scrunching. She was expecting a fight. Most of Austin’s disputes are because of her.
“What?” He glances at Vince. “Friends don’t fight each other. Right, Vince?”
The way he said “friends” is chilling, but people begin to come over and talk to Vince with Austin’s sudden approval. Five minutes turn into twenty, and they’re still here. Josette leans against Austin’s car with her arms folded, staring Vince out. Once again, completely forgotten.
“He’s a hit with the ladies.” Ian appears beside her before letting out a low whistle. “Josette, my love, has nobody told you those jeans you have on show everything?” She doesn’t reply to him; she’s distracted by the girl sitting next to Vince on the tree trunk they were occupying before. She giggles at something he says, a little over the top, because Josette knows he’s not funny. “He seems to know what he’s doing,” Ian chuckles, and she breathes out.Yeah, he does.It makes her wonder what his life was like before he moved back. “You fancy him?”
“No.” She finally breaks her stare and turns to Ian, annoyed when she sees his smile has widened. “I don’t.”
“Ah, that’s right. You’re still torn up over Tyler.”
“Guess again.” Tyler’s sitting on the bonnet of his car, the same girl between his legs. They’re making out, and Josette feels nothing whatsoever.
“You were too good for him anyway. We all said it.”
She snorts. “Oh, really?”
“Yes,” he says thoughtfully and then laughs. “Tyler’s a stupid little boy. If you were mine, I’d treat you like a man treats a woman.”
Josette’s insides shudder, and not in a good way. His eyes are fixated on her lips. He’s closer than she wants him to be, wanting to kiss her. He always does, but he’s much older than everyone. Somewhere in his twenties. Josette turns away from him and sighs, unfolding her arms. “I’m leaving.”
“What? You’ve only just got here,” Ian says with disappointment. “Where are you going?”
“Home,” she replies. “You’re all still losers, and I’m bored.”
“Ouch. Right in the heart,” Ian mocks, putting his hands over his chest, but she ignores him. Coming to this party was a bad idea. It’s not the same anymore without Jenna, and it isn’t fun with Vince.
Without saying goodbye, Josette slips away from the party quietly and alone. Though, as she walks through the dark park, the noise of the party getting less and less, she soon realises her footsteps aren’t the only ones she can hear. Even though it could be concerning, she can’t help but smile.
“What’s wrong, Vince? Not having a good time?” She turns to face him, thinking he’s somewhere behind her, but gasps when a body suddenly smacks into her.
Vince grabs Josette by the shoulder to steady them both, and her heart skips a beat that his hands are on her. She didn’t know he was that close.
“Thanks for leaving me,” he says, dropping his hand, clearly annoyed.
“You seemed cosy.” She shrugs. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“Jealousy isn’t a good look on you, Josie,” he says, and her eyes narrow.Jealousy? She’s so not jealous. “When did you start hanging with Austin and those freaks?”
“A bit after you left. And I don’thangwith him or his friends. He’s just always there. Why do you want to know anyway? You made it clear after you left that I meant nothing to you?”
He glances away. “I didn’t see a point...”