Page 12 of Girl Violence
“He’s different from how I remember. We used to tell each other everything, but he’s so secretive now. If you don’t want people to know about you, don’t be around people—”
“Josette!” Jenna cuts her off with a laugh. “Has someone gotten under your skin?”
Josette’s face scrunches. “He isn’t under my skin. It’s irritating that he’s changed when he used to be cool.” Her favourite person.
“Right.” Josette knows she doesn’t believe her. She doesn’t even have faith in it herself. “So, what are you saying?”
She doesn’t know what she’s saying. Here she is, rambling about Vince, a person she apparently no longer cares about. What the hell is wrong with her?
“I don’t know—just ignore me. I must have inhaled too much dust at the library today and I’m so tired.” They continue chatting, and Josette fills her friend in about everything else at the party. They call it a night and say their goodbyes.
Despite the exhaustion, Josette lies awake for a while thinking, not knowing why she’s stressing so much when Vince clearly never thought about her over the years. In fact, why is she even thinking about him at all? He’s practically a stranger to her.
Grabbing her phone, she logs into Instagram to try and distract her mind. But even social media is out to mock her when Vince’s profile appears in her, “people you might know” list. He already has twenty mutual friends with her.
Josette’s curiosity gets the better of her and she clicks on his profile. Alyssa, and the other girl he was talking with, are among the ones now on his friend’s list. Considering he’s a private person, she’s surprised his profile isn’t. Josette freely scrolls through his pictures, noticing a couple with a beautiful blonde girl. Unable to help it, she clicks on one of the pictures of them posing outside an ice rink. His arm is slung over her shoulder and hers around his waist. Her name is Elizabeth, and she’s gorgeous, with bone-straight hair, big eyes, and tanned skin.
Josette breathes out again, a weight now in her chest. It’s stupid.She’sstupid.
Scrolling further down, she sees photos of him at parties with guys—friends he made after moving, she guesses. He’s happy and smiling. Her mouth even waters at the picture of him with his shirt off, his abs covered in permanent art. She takes the opportunity to examine some of the ink she can see. Two dragons breathe fire and smoke in a battle across his chest and over his left shoulder. Down the length of one arm is a sleeve of wolves in a forest backdrop.
The longer she stalks his profile, the more curious she becomes about him. Elizabeth’s profile catches her attention then. Josette’s tempted to check it out but that’s crazy, right?
She clicks on it anyway, deciding she is crazy and the hell with it. The moment it loads, Josette wishes she hadn’t opened it. Because Elizabeth dances, does yoga, eats plants, and walks on the beach with her tiny, white dog named Chewit. There are a few pictures of her with Vince, and they look good together.
Sighing, Josette closes the entire app, wishing she knew what their story was.
* * *
The next day,Josette is back at work. She has to re-shelf the entire romance section after Miss Finn yelled at her for not organising the books alphabetically by author.
A half-naked caveman on the front cover of a book catches Josette’s eye and makes her laugh out loud. He’s cradling a fainting damsel with grotesque, sinewy arms.The Beast’s Prizetitle is the best entertainment she’s had all week.
Setting the book down, she makes her way out of the stacks to grab a drink. As she heads towards the tiny staff room, she hears a familiar voice. Peeking her head around a shelf, Diane is hugging Miss Finn.
“It’s good to see you,” Miss Finn says with a watery smile, which is shocking that the woman has realhumanemotions. “It’s been too long.”
“I know, Aunt Sandra. It has.” Josette does a double take. Aunt? No way. “I’m sorry I only came to see you now. It’s been busy moving in and getting settled, hasn’t it, Vince?”
Vince is leaning against one of the shelves, standing a little away from them both. Josette didn’t notice him there. He’s practically melding with the shadows. Smiling, Miss Finn steps around Diane. “It’s nice to see you, Vince. You’ve grown from the last time I saw you.”
He gives her a tight smile but says nothing.
“I’m wondering if you have any summer work for him?” Diane asks, and Josette’s stomach somersaults.Please, no.“College starts in September, but he needs a little something for now.”
“Oh.” Miss Finn nods enthusiastically. “I have work right away if you want to start now? I have a young lady who works here—” She turns in the direction of the shelves, instantly catching Josette standing nearby. “Oh, there you are.” Shit. Now she knows she was eavesdropping. “Come here.”
Making her way out of the stacks, Josette pretends to be surprised to see Diane and Vince there. “Oh, hey.”
“Josette.” Diane smiles. “I didn’t know you worked here?”
“Oh...yeah—it’s the greatest job ever.”
The sarcasm makes Vince grin.
“Keeping this one off the streets, actually, so she doesn’t get into trouble,” Miss Finn says tartly, and Diane’s eyes widen in surprise. “Teenagers these days. She crashed a police car.” Josette wonders what ever happened to privacy. “This is my great-nephew, Vince.” Despite listening to the entire conversation, Josette realises he’s related to her and how quiet he is while his mum gets him a job. He’s just standing there, saying nothing. Shouldn’t he be making that decision?
“I know. We used to be friends,” Josette says, avoiding eye contact, but she’s sure she spies him rolling his eyes.