Page 14 of Girl Violence
“Morning, Evan.” She walks over to him, stepping over their overgrown shrubs with a smile on her face. Josette’s frown deepens as she glances between them both. They’re talking and laughing. It sounds nonsensical. There’s lots of chuckling and giggling. When they say goodbye, he turns to her.
“Be nice,” he warns her, and Josette crosses her arms, throwing Vince a dirty look as he continues knocking down the fence noisily. She must admit it’s a pleasant sight watching him work, but why now? “I’m going to work. Be good.”
“I’m not a child,” Josette sighs and pulls away when he tries to ruffle her hair. She fixes it straight away, not wanting Vince to see, making her dad laugh.
“You’re still my little girl, even if you are a pain in the ass,” he says, and Josette can’t help but smile, taken aback by his mood change. He hasn’t said anything like that in ages. It’s probably a fluke.
After he leaves, she puts on her sunglasses and leans back. Listening to music, she closes her eyes and enjoys the sunshine soaking into her skin. Some time passes, and she’s so relaxed that she almost drifts off to sleep. Until something freezing cold splashes over her chest.
Shrieking, Josette jumps up, earphones ripping out of her ears. There’s deep laughter, and looking up, she sees Vince holding an empty glass.
“Vince!” she yells at him as he continues laughing his ass off. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Sorry, I tripped.”
She takes off her sunglasses and glares at his stupid, smiling face. “Sure, you did, you asshole.”
Looking down, Josette sees her nipples have peaked from the coldness of the water, and her shorts are drenched. Lifting her head, her stomach somersaults when she notices Vince gazing at her chest a beat too long.
Swallowing thickly, she glances at her towel, tempted to grab it to cover herself. Instead, she finds her attention shifting back to him. He smirks at her, not in the least bit concerned about letting her see his stare.
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer.” The sun has made the blue in his eyes lighter as they finally rise to her face. Annoyance courses through her that he didn’t even bother trying to hide checking her out.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his phone. All she can do is stand still as he snaps a picture of her, smiling almost wickedly as he looks down at it. With her lips slightly parted in shock, Josette watches him turn and start to walk away.
Snapping out of her daze, she takes off after him. “Delete that picture of me right now.”
He laughs, still walking, amused by her now crimson cheeks. “You asked me to take a picture of you, so I did.”
“But you weren’t meant to actually do it. It was a figure of speech!” He just took a picture of her and, by the looks of it, is very much keeping it. “Please delete the picture, Vince.”
Looking back at the picture, he asks, “Why?”
When he turns around, Josette catches a glimpse of his arousal thickening the front of his shorts. Her stomach flutters. Does hewanther picture? No. He’s just teasing her. He doesn’t want anything to do with her, though she’s struggling to get his reaction out of her mind.
“Because I look terrible.” It’s true. Josette’s not wearing makeup, and her hair is lazily thrown into a messy bun.
Rolling his eyes, he slips his phone away. “Stop fishing for compliments.”
“I was not.”
“It’s just a picture.”
Yeah, a picture of her in a wet bikini. Who knows what he will do with it? He could use it against her. She’s seen that happen with other people before. Although, it’s Vince. Would he really do anything to hurt her?
“What are you going to do with it?” she asks, trying to appear casual about it by folding my arms. “Show people?”
His eyebrow rises. “Do you honestly think I’d do that?”
“I don’t know you anymore. If you’re thinking about showing people—”
“I’m not showing anyone,” he interjects. “But I will keep it, just because it bothers you so much.”
Once again, he turns away from her. It pisses her off. “Fine. Keep it. I don’t even care.”
Josette returns to her seat, annoyed as hell. However, her glare at him melts away like the hot sun when she looks at his body. He’s now glistening with sweat, tanned skin extenuating his toned torso. She gasps, incredibly hot suddenly, the place between her legs throbbing unmercifully like it does whenever she gets turned on.
Maybe she has sunstroke?