Page 18 of Girl Violence
“Leave her out of this.” Josette is ready to hit him again. How could he do this to her and play it down like he hasn’t done anything wrong? “You do not want to start something here. I mean it.”
“Last I checked, you were the one starting something. I pity you, Austin. This is all you have and will ever have. Loyalty from a bunch of teenagers because no one will give it to you in the real world. Jenna can do better than you.”
Josette is about to turn away when she hears his boots pounding behind her. Whirling around, Austin steps over the girl and comes for her. She doesn’t flinch when he grabs her shirt and pulls her closer, steel-grey melting in fire.
“I have never had a problem with you,” he says in a low, dangerous tone, so nobody else can hear. “I’ve even given you my fucking protection, and you come here trying to cause shit with me when you don’t have your facts straight?”
“Protection? What are you talking about?”
“Go. Fucking.Home.”
Angered, Josette pushes him away from her. “Don’t threaten me, Austin. Stay away from Jenna and Vince. No one needs your shit.”
“No one needs yours!” he yells after her as Josette walks away. Tyler steps forward again, but she slams her hands into his chest to get him away from her.
“What the hell?” He stumbles back, but Josette ignores him. She’s probably just made a mistake, but she doesn’t care. She’s sick of them. They’re not her friends. Jenna is, and maybe Vince too.
Heading for the exit, Josette’s heart jumps to her throat when Vince steps out of the shadows. She’s beginning to really hate this place with its shady trees and darkness.
“Why did you do that?” he questions her angrily. He must’ve seen her storm into the park and come after her.
“Do what?” He grabs Josette’s arm when she tries to shove past him. She inhales shakily, his skin on hers hot when it shouldn’t be in the cool night. She likes it. Why the hell does she like it? “I didn’t do it for you if that’s what you’re thinking.”
But she did.
“Why would you be so fucking stupid?” he demands. Despite her body’s reaction to his touch, Josette snatches her arm from his grip. “You think Austin held back because you’re a girl? You didn’t see the way his friends were looking at you. They won’t forget.”
“They’re just people. Stupid, dumb people with no lives. They think they can do whatever they want. I don’t like being talked about behind my back, and I don’t like my friends getting attacked or messed with.”
“I’m afriendnow?” he questions, and Josette suddenly feels stupid for saying that.
“Well, you can pretend we weren’t friends, but I’m not pretending anymore.”
“For fuck’s sake. I remember everything, alright? But we’re not kids anymore, Josette. You’re going to get hurt, and I won’t be around.”
“I’m not depending on you. I can take care of myself.”
Vince glares at her, and her insides clench with a strange excitement. She shouldn’t push, but she can’t help it. Especially when he says, “I don’t need you to fight my battles for me. Stay out of it. I’m warning you.”
He steps back and walks away. Josette watches him until he’s gone from sight, not understanding. What Tyler said about her makes it her battle. Vince getting into a fight because of what was said about her makes it, too. They never used to let each other fight battles alone, so why is he doing it now?
* * *
“Josette!”Miss Finn shouts Josette’s name all over the library. What the hell now? Isn’t it supposed to be quiet in libraries? It’s not long before the hag comes storming down the aisle Josette is stacking books in, anger fierce in her eyes.
“What?” Josette asks rudely, not in the mood for her attitude today. She’s been on her case all day over stupid things, and Josette thinks this woman doesn’t have a life.
“Don’twhatme. You know what. Hand it over.” Miss Finn holds out her palm, which Josette looks down at with confusion.
“Hand what over?”
“The money you took from the cash register. Hand it over.”
She blinks with shock at the accusation. Since Josette got here, she hasn’t moved from this aisle and hasn’t been near the front desk all day. “I haven’t—”
“Don’t lie,” she glowers. “Give me the money.”
“What’s going on here?” a voice interrupts. It’s Diane, probably bringing in Vince’s lunch. She’s behind them with a frown on her face. “Why do you always look like you’re about to kill each other?”