Page 10 of Courting Claudia
“I promise.” She smiled up at him, and two dimples pierced her cheeks, causing him to miss a step in their dance. He quickly recovered.
“For what are you begging?” she asked.
“For you.”
“Oh.” A blush spread across her cheeks and down her creamy throat.
“I’m unfamiliar with it; let us see how I do.” He cleared his throat for added drama, which caused her to giggle. “My dear Miss Prattley, I must beg of you to continue your position with my paper. My very life depends on it.”
She scrunched her face. “I can tell you’re unfamiliar with it.”
“Not very good?”
“Terrible. You should say something like, I’m a fine illustrator despite my sex, and your days would be darker without my drawings to look upon. Oh, and then add that no matter what, you’d protect my identity at all costs.”
“And if I said all of this, you would agree to continue working for me?”
“Probably not, but it sounds good.”
Those dimples again. Focus, Middleton. “Would you agree to work for me until I find a replacement for you?”
She turned her head so that it was a little closer to him and whispered, “You shouldn’t allow people to think they’re replaceable. Makes them feel less than special.”
“You’re exactly right. You are irreplaceable. I should have instead asked if you would work for me until you marry. I’d like to keep your drawings running as long as possible, since I’ll have to discontinue that section when you leave. No one will ever be able to do the job as well as you.”
She rewarded him with another smile, but this time he was mindful to keep his footing. There was something about Claudia Prattley. Precisely what, he wasn’t sure. But he just might be curious enough to stick around and find out.
Her features straightened into an expression of concern. “Would you promise to continue to protect my identity?”
“You have my word on it. Even if they threaten to have me drawn and quartered, I shall not reveal you.”
He thought of the old show of promise he had done in school—kissing his two fingers, then putting them to his heart. In this situation, it would be more rewarding to kiss Claudia’s fingers, but she would surely box his ears.
“I don’t believe they still draw and quarter people,” she said.
“Is that an agreement?”
She chewed at her lip a moment before nodding.
“I believe I shall give you a raise.”
“That won’t be necessary.”
“Never reject an offer of more money, Miss Prattley. It’s bad business.”
“Yes, of course.”
Their dance ended, and he led her off the dance floor.
“I shall call on you soon to arrange the details of our new agreement.”
With another kiss of her hand, Derrick left her to her thoughts while he strolled off to find a drink. A stiff one, preferably. Then he could retreat out of this stuffy ballroom. His presence was beginning to warrant stares.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d danced with a woman, especially in proper Society. Well, other than his aunt, but that hardly counted. An assembly of pretty maidens clumped together whispered and giggled as he passed. He wanted to stop and yell, “Boo!” simply to watch them scatter.
The tongues would be wagging that he’d been here and that he’d danced with Claudia Prattley.
She might be his only dance partner tonight, but Claudia would dance with another. One other. Richard Foxmore. He was here tonight. Somewhere. What was he doing with a woman like Claudia? Didn’t he prefer simpleminded girls who allowed him to do as he chose? Although Claudia did seem bound by her sense of duty. Perhaps that was what he sought in her. No, that couldn’t be it.