Page 35 of Courting Claudia
Her entire relationship with Derrick hinged on impropriety. It had potentially damaged her future with Richard, and her father would never forgive her if Richard refused to marry her.
“You don’t look happy to see me.” His voice smoothed over her skin.
She would not allow him to ruffle her tonight. Surely she could control herself and not fall prey to his flirtatious behavior.
“I have something I wish to discuss with you.”
“You sound serious.”
“I am. I’m concerned. But we cannot discuss it here. You’ll have to meet me outside.” She turned to go, but he followed. She stopped short. “You cannot simply follow me. We mustn’t make this look as if we’re planning a rendezvous.”
“But we are.”
“It’s not a rendezvous. It’s a serious discussion.”
“I see. If I cannot follow you, what then shall I do?”
“Allow me to go first. I’ll wait for you on the balcony. You should walk to the refreshment table first and have a drink and then follow. That way it will not look as if you are going after me.”
“Quite a serious plan you’ve developed.”
“I’ll meet you outside.” She left him standing there and slipped out the balcony doors. The moon was not particularly bright that evening, leaving the long balcony less lit than she would have preferred. She leaned against the railing and inhaled the sweet night air.
She’d never before waited for a man on a balcony, but knew ladies did so often. It was the polite way to steal kisses without their watchful mothers interrupting. These interludes never lasted long, at least from what she’d been told, but nonetheless it seemed quite risky. And she wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but quite exciting as well.
“I’m fairly certain I snuck out unseen.”
She turned and found him smiling broadly. He thought this was all a joke. He probably thought she was a joke.
“I don’t find that amusing.”
He frowned. “I apologize. Now what did you want to discuss with me?”
She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “Our relationship. I find the current degree of familiarity and affection we’ve shared to be highly improper. And if we cannot change the direction, then we will no longer be able to spend time with one another. Which I’m certain won’t be a problem considering your courting has all been a ruse.”
“That again. Claudia, we’ve had this conversation. I’m at a loss for other ways to convince you that I’m serious.”
She searched his face for a sign of humor, but found none. She’d never met an accomplished liar, but had heard people talk of them. It was said that Lord Moncriff was a liar of the worst sort, but she didn’t know him. She shook her head to rattle her thoughts, hoping when they settled everything would make sense. It didn’t work.
“Precisely what are you having a difficult time believing?”
“I am not the sort of woman that your sort of man courts.”
“What sort of woman are you?”
“I’m plain.”
That earned her a laugh. “You are anything but plain. Much to the contrary. Look at your dress. You have enough tassels and ribbons to decorate ten other dresses.”
“I wasn’t speaking of my dress.” She frowned. “Do you think it’s too much?” She fingered a ribbon at her sleeve. She’d always picked lavishly decorated patterns because she felt the more between her body and someone’s eyes, the better.
“I don’t believe they’re necessary. You don’t need all the extra adornments. You have a subtle beauty about you, one that sneaks up on you while you’re not looking. And it has nothing to do with your silly dresses.”
“Men have never paid me much mind. So why does it matter how I dress?”
“I don’t care if other men pay attention to you; on the contrary, I rather hope they do not. Less competition for me. If other men haven’t noticed you, they’re not paying attention. I find you most becoming. Surely you must have noticed.”
She looked around to ensure their privacy before whispering, “If you’re speaking about the kisses, then that’s precisely the reason why we must stop this charade. You know as well as I that you don’t intend to marry me. Step aside and allow me to fulfill my duty and marry Richard. You and I can maintain our business relationship until I’m married, and after that, we can be friendly acquaintances. I find you a most agreeable man and do not wish to be on unfriendly terms with you.”