Page 67 of Courting Claudia
He desired Claudia, of that he was positive. Last night had only whetted his appetite for her. He respected her. He genuinely liked her and enjoyed her company. But love? He had learned his lesson about that years ago.
It had nothing to do with love. She was his wife, and he’d protect her. That was his duty. “You can be certain that I will do everything I can to keep her safe.”
He would keep her safe. And that meant getting Claudia out of London until he could uncover the truth behind the blood and the blackmail letters. He was itching to read them, but they would have to wait. Claudia’s safety was at hand and that needed to take precedence.
There would be time enough to quench his own curiosity. And perhaps ease some of his guilt.
Claudia stretched, arching her back, on the bed. She noted a slight soreness between her legs and felt a blush heat her cheeks. She had been wanton last night. No doubt Derrick thought ill of her. Which might explain why she was in the bed alone.
Thoughts of their lovemaking filled her mind, and she couldn’t help but smile. Without ever having other lovers, she instinctively knew Derrick was perfect. He had taken great patience to bring her pleasure, something she’d heard most men avoided.
There was a knock at the door, and then Derrick appeared, carrying a breakfast tray.
“I thought you might be hungry.”
She allowed her eyes to roam over him. She’d never tire of looking at him. He was simply beautiful.
“Thank you. I apologize for lazing about this morning. I am generally an early riser.”
“I kept you up late last night.”
He brought the tray over to her, so she sat up. When the cool air hit her skin, she remembered she was naked. She snatched the sheets and pulled them up to her neck.
“No need to cover yourself on my account. I would love to see you.”
She shook her head. “Not at breakfast.”
He sat next to her and put the tray on the bed. “What’s so special about breakfast?”
“It’s daylight and morning. It is wrong.”
“Naughty?” he whispered.
He popped a fig into his mouth. “Precisely the way I like it.”
She stared at him, somehow unable to absorb everything that had happened in the last week. Like the fact that at this very moment she sat naked in a bed with Derrick Middleton in front of her. Or that last night he’d done amazing things to her. With his mouth, with his hands, with his…Oh, she couldn’t even think it.
“What are you thinking about?”
She met his eyes, and he raised an eyebrow. So she smiled and took a bite of her breakfast.
“Cheater.” He reached out and trailed one finger down her exposed arm. She shivered beneath his touch.
“It’s good,” she said, taking another bite.
“I’m glad you like it.”
It was difficult to eat and hold the sheet up at the same time. She tried to tuck the fabric behind her, but it kept slipping, giving him a peekaboo view of her left breast.
“Can you hand me my nightgown?”
He retrieved it for her, then turned around so she could slip it on.
“I know you think I’m being a goose, but I haven’t quite accepted the idea of someone seeing me without my clothes on.”
He nodded, then climbed back onto the bed. “Eat. I think for our honeymoon, we’ll go into the country for a few days. How does that sound?”