Page 73 of Courting Claudia
“It’s wonderful,” she said.
He helped her take a seat on the blanket, then sat across from her.
He unpacked their lunch and poured her a glass of wine, then proceeded to prepare plates of bread, jam, and cheese.
“This is my favorite part of the entire estate. I suppose it was the main reason I bought it.”
“It’s very peaceful.” She took a sip of her wine. “Like a painting come to life.”
He held a piece of bread out to her, and she reached for it, but he pulled it back. “No. Take a bite.”
“You wish to feed me?” she asked, clearly surprised.
“I do.” Again he leaned toward her with the bite of bread, and she hesitated, but leaned in and took the morsel.
He held out a piece of cheese for her, and she took it, her lips brushing against his fingers. He dipped his finger in the marmalade.
“Are you going to smear that on some bread?” she asked.
“No.” He held his finger out to her. “Lick it off.”
Her eyes widened. “You want me to lick that marmalade off your finger?”
“Scandalous, isn’t it?”
Try as she might, she lost whatever battle she fought in her mind and rewarded him with a devilish little grin. He was eroding her defenses. His plan was working.
She leaned forward, wrapped her perfect pink lips around his finger, closed her eyes, and then gently sucked the jam off his finger. She was wearing him down as well. He didn’t know if he could wait to complete his plan. He wanted her now. Beneath him, squirming with pleasure.
He pulled off his shoes. “Today there are no worries about appointments or propriety. We are going to swim.”
“Right now?”
“Yes, now.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Why? The pond isn’t that deep.” He tugged her right foot out from underneath her skirts and began unlacing her boot. He pulled it off, then reached beneath her skirts, undid her garter, and rolled her stocking off.
“Derrick, honestly,” she said, while swatting uselessly at his hands.
He ignored her protests and removed her left boot and stocking.
“We don’t have the proper attire for swimming.”
“We don’t need them.” He stood and shrugged out of his jacket. He began removing his trousers when she suddenly jumped to her feet.
“You don’t intend to swim in your drawers, do you?”
“Of course not. I intend to swim in the nude.”
“You’ll freeze.”
“Not this late in the day. The sun has warmed the pond nicely. And I have plans to keep myself warm.”
She frowned, thought for a moment, then concluded. “Swimming for exercise? I have heard that is quite popular with men.”
“That’s not what I meant.” He held his hand out to her. “Come with me.”