Page 30 of Scarred
Except I do know one of them. Holy fuck.
Her name is Carly Vance, and…
I can’t even.
Talk about dodging a bullet when Chance interrupted us.
Except…Carly was into it—into what we were doing. She’s the one who kissed me! She started it, her pussy had been dripping wet and she almost came all over my fingers…
“Robin must be mistaken,” I say.
“No. She’s not,” Miles’s lips turn down. “Nearly everyone in town knows about Carly, about what happened to her. They thought she was dead, man. She’s been home for a year living with her parents.”
I can’t let my mind go to what must have happened to her—sweet and beautiful Carly—on that island.
I want to hear her call my name when she comes, but she needs so much more than the orgasms and fund I can give her.
Chance is right. Carly deserves more than a quick kiss and finger against the wall outside a bar.
So much more.
As much as I want her—and God, I do want her—I’m not the man for her. I’m just passing through Montana. I’m only here because of the will, because of the money. I’ll be gone as soon as that obligation has been met.
As for Carly… hell, I don’t even know what she needs. Sure, a little while ago she needed an orgasm, but that’s fleeting, no matter how talented my fingers are.
One thing I can do, though, is apologize—tell her how sorry I am that I took her in such a disrespectful way. Because a woman who’s been through what she has deserves to feel safe.
“You okay, man?” Miles’s voice breaks into my thoughts.
“Yeah.” What a good liar I am.
“I know we don’t know shit about each other, but I’d say you don’t look okay.”
Maybe not such a good liar after all.
I sigh, rub a hand down my face. Smell her on my fingers. My dick hardens at the instant thought of how her pussy clenched around them. How she’d held onto my wrist, kept me in place between her thighs.
“I need to talk to her. To Carly.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah. I’m sure. Do you know where she lives?”
He frowns. “Hell, no. I just got here today, remember? Without the town laid out in a grid pattern with stoplights and street names, I’m fucking lost.”
I sigh again. “Right. Of course you don’t know. I’m not thinking straight. And no way will Chance tell me.”
“There’s this thing called the Internet,” Miles says. “And this is a small town. I swear the entire place could fit inside Madison Square Garden. Anyone who’s lived here for more than a minute could probably tell you. But is that really a good idea?”
“I have no clue,” I say, “but I have to. I just have to.”
Miles glances at the doorway. “He might have something to say about that.”
I don’t even have to look. Already I know Chance has entered the bar.
“Nice going.” He stalks over, scowling. “You seem to have turned ladies’ night into a black hole.”
I turn, instead of glancing over my shoulder, and face him. “Fuck you.” I brush past him.