Page 88 of Better to See You
“And Sophia will be a target,” my dad adds.
Ryan delivers my tea to the coffee table, and the cushions sink as he sits beside me. He reaches around me and manhandles me, pulling me up against his side. He’s been touching me constantly, as if reassuring himself that I am indeed okay.
“Arrow Security has a full detail set up for Sophia and Jack. They won’t be able to reach her.”
“And you?”
I exhale and pull a nearby throw over my lap.
“I’m not at my house. I’m staying with someone who will keep me safe. You don’t need to worry.”
“Jack should hire security for you. Or the police should.”
“Dad, I’m with the head of Arrow Security. At his home. We’re safe.”
Silence descends on the line. Ryan brushes his lips against my hair.
“Are you in a romantic relationship with him?” The judgment is like a gavel on wood. I glance up at Ryan, wondering how much he can hear. He flattens his palm against my hip, and his fingers spread across my stomach. Possessive.
“I am.”
“Well, I’m going to want to speak to this young man.” I roll my eyes at the idea that my curmudgeonly old da is going to be stern with this late-thirties former SEAL. Ryan nudges me and gestures to the phone. As I suspected, he’s heard everything.
“Fine, here he is. His name is Ryan Wolfgang.”
Ryan takes my phone. He sits up.
“Hello, sir. How can I help you?”
“My daughter tells me she’s in a romantic relationship with you.” My dad’s voice comes through crisp and clear, possibly because Ryan holds the phone about an inch away from his ear.
“Yes, sir.” Those blue eyes flit to me, mirth evident in the wrinkles at the corners and the lift of his lips. “I care about her. I’ll keep her safe.”
“Yeah, then how did they get to her today?”
“It won’t happen again, sir.” I straighten, knowing full well that statement means Ryan thinks he can control my whereabouts.
“You got any training?”
“Yes, sir. Navy. Three tours. I own a security firm. They won’t get another chance to get to her.”
“Eh, we can’t control everything. But I feel better knowing she has someone like you watching out for her.”
“Yes, sir. But she’s got a good head on her shoulders. She saved herself. I have every intention of doing my best with her, but you raised an astute daughter.”
“I taught her to pay attention to human cues. She’s a lot like her mother. Smart. Strong-willed. Stubborn as hell. But she’ll always be my little girl. She is my heart. Do you hear me?”
“Loud and clear. Sir.”
There is a beep, and Ryan holds the phone out. Jackson Sullivan is ringing through. I take the phone from Ryan.
“Dad, Jack is calling. I’ll call you later, okay?”
“Keep me updated.”
“Love you, Dad.”
I click over and catch Jack before it goes to voicemail.