Page 73 of Season of Love
“Yes, also that. Be ready when you see the wolf pack disperse; you don’t have much time. I hope you have a plan for what you’re going to say.”
She did not.
“It will be fine,” Noelle reassured Hannah—and herself. “It’s totally going to be fine.”
Hannah patted her on the shoulder before shaking her head, muttering how she should have gone to college for sapphic feelings management as she walked purposefully toward Miriam.
Chapter 24
Miriam was surrounded by a cadre of famous internet crafters, who were trying their hardest to get her to spill personal details about her breakup with Tara. She was ecstatic to see Hannah walk up.
Hannah smiled brightly at the group. “Miri, love, I have an absolute emergency,” Hannah said, as she hauled Miriam away.
When they were safely behind the food tables under the hayloft, she continued, “I don’t, actually, but I thought you might need a rescue. Also, two dozen people have asked me about sale prices on some of the items for display. You could probably attach ludicrous prices to them tonight. Then we could stash the money in a nest egg. These people are extremely happy on champagne and ready to spend money like it’s their job. Well, maybe it is their job.”
“You can sell them, but only at five times their normal asking price,” Miriam told her. It wasn’t worth keeping them, if there would be no Carrigan’s to keep them in. “Get with Cole for estimates. Also, check in with Noelle before you promise anything to anyone. I know she has a few pieces she’s madly in love with, and I don’t want to sell any of them without her go-ahead.”
“Aye aye, Captain.” Hannah walked off toward a buyer who was eyeing a sculpture.
Students from the local high school drama club, dressed all in black, had been pressed into acting as waiters by Jason Green, their drama teacher. They were doing a remarkably flamboyant job. Even Cass would have approved of the flair with which they were throwing themselves into their work. At least one was wearing a fake mustache. As several of them parted, carrying trays of apps, she caught a glimpse of Noelle’s hair.
“How are you holding up?” Elijah asked, coming up behind her.
She gestured to his tuxedo. “Elijah, I’m not sure lawyers are supposed to be this hot.”
“Weren’t you engaged to a lawyer for years, Miriam?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah, but she didn’t look this good in a tux.” Miriam laughed. Although, in Tara’s defense, lack of hotness had never been one of her faults.
“You’re dodging my question. How are you holding up?”
“My father tried to burn down my life, take everything I love, and he may have forced me into this transformation, but I am transformed, and I’m going to show that asshole he should have left well enough alone.”
She stopped, realizing she was monologuing.
“Well, I’m into this Dark Phoenix energy,” he said, putting an arm around her shoulder for a squeeze. “Let’s use it to sell a lot of art for a lot of money.”
“Carrigan’s Home for Gifted Youngsters?” she joked.
“It has a ring to it.”
She left Elijah and climbed the stairs to the hayloft to get a better view of the crowd. And maybe, a little bit, to try to catch a glimpse of Noelle before she pulled off her big surprise.
There, by the makeshift auction podium, stood her heart. Miriam tried to remember how to breathe. Noelle was in a perfectly tailored tuxedo and tails, in a rich navy that made her skin glow. The tux hugged her curves and accentuated her broad shoulders, strong arms, and thick thighs. Her undercut was freshly shaved, her hair waxed into a pompadour.
She was the hottest fat butch dream of Miriam’s most secret fantasies, and the jolt of lust she felt almost knocked her over.
She shook herself. This was a professional party, for the business they co-owned. She needed to schmooze art patrons, not beg Noelle on her knees to take her back and then drag her into a corner to undo her bow tie with her teeth.
Miriam had a plan, and she needed to stick to it. She needed to get to the painting auction with everyone’s clothes still on. Still, when their eyes met, and Noelle pushed off the wall she was leaning on, Miriam was ready for the sensible voice in her head to shut up. Her whole body flushed.
Miriam held her breath, watching Noelle stalk toward her gracefully, purposefully, unstoppably. When Noelle stood at the bottom of the stairs, they were eye level, and she beckoned for Miriam to lean in.
“You look unbelievable,” Noelle whispered in her ear.
Miriam’s heart leaped in hope. Noelle wanted her, and she was willing to admit it. Maybe, maybe, she would accept Miriam’s apology, and they could start again. “You look like everything I’ve ever wanted,” Miriam said honestly.