Page 10 of Hard for You
They all signed the fucking petition. He knew Alpha had ended up giving them all a reality check. They should have listened to her and known what they were signing rather than just shutting her up.
Wolfe didn’t mind it. Amelia was … sexy, adorable, and damn it, he couldn’t stop this need when he was around her.
The only other problem the pack had was that she refused to use violence. This had started in school from what he knew, and extended as she became a full-grown adult.
Alpha had to step between her and some of the newly turned wolves as they had ganged up on her. They didn’t like different and felt she should go.
Wolfe stared at her now.
The pack had made her life miserable. Truly fucking miserable, and yet, she stood before him with a smile.
The apartment she’d been given was a fucking pit. The structure had all been sound and was a real place for investment, but they’d given it to her, hoping to drive her away. Amelia had turned it into a palace.
Even downstairs, the main shop, he saw she’d cleaned it as well. There were no more rats or bugs. The place was a dream. Everything she had done, she had done for herself.
Was this why Alpha didn’t force her to leave? Did he see something that others didn’t? Wolfe made a note to talk to his president. Not that he was questioning him. Heonly had to wonder why Amelia stuck around.
She wasn’tliked or welcomed. Most of the time, people merely put up with her. She still stuck around.
Wolfe forced himself to concentrate. “Yeah, hunters.”
“Damn. I know Buster and Rascal like to walk in the forest.” She winced. “I’ll find some other places to walk them. It’ll be fine.”
“Why not take them into town?”
“Er, the town, kind of, er, yeah, I don’t think that would be good. They’re good dogs, but sometimes, it is not so great to walk with them, you know, around the pack.”
“Amelia, you will be safe.”
“I know. I know I’m safe, but I don’t always think that my dogs are.” She shrugged. “It’s fine. I don’t mind finding somewhere else to go. I’m the one who rescued the dogs. I’ll deal with it.”
The kettle whistled, and he watched her going to the stove, turning off the heat, and then moving to their cups. She poured them each a mug before going to her fridge.
He saw that there wasn’t a lot of food inside.
“Did I eat all of your food?” he asked.
“Not all of it. I can still feed myself. I’m waiting for adelivery I ordered earlier in the week. It should arrive tomorrow.”
“Don’t you go to the store?”
“Yeah, I do, but they don’t stock what I need. I get what I can from there.”
Wolfe frowned as she handed him a mug.
“Stop thinking so hard about it.”
“Have you asked for them to stock what you want?”
She smiled. “Yeah, I have.”
He stared at her. “They won’t.”
“Please, stop worrying about it. I’ve been living fine like this for seven years. Trust me, it is all good.” She put her hand on his arm and then immediately pulled away. “Sorry, I er, sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize.”