Page 121 of Midnight Confessions
“A night to forget.”
A broad smile curls his lips. “You got it, beautiful.” He pulls out his phone and starts tapping the screen. “We’re going to need to Uber Eats some snacks to this bitch. Lots and lots of snacks, and maybe more booze. We’ll cuddle, drink wine, eat shitty foods, and talk like Cersei Lannister until we pass out.”
For the first time since I woke up this morning, I laugh. Like deep in my chest, genuine laugh.How is Keith Shaw always who I need him to be?
“I love you,” I whisper, a distant pain clear in my tone.
His eyes lift from his phone, glittering with adoration. “And I love you.” He sets the wine bottle down and digs into my gaze deeper. “You’re enough, Winter. Always remember that. You’remorethan enough and any man who doesn’t see it isn’t worthy of you.”
I smile, sliding my wine glass in front of him. “Pour it high and deep, my friend. No more Aleck talk. Night to forget, remember? Now, what should we drink to tonight?”
Keith’s grin widens, showing off all his beautiful, bright white teeth. “Every time Tyrion says wine, we drink.”
I snort a laugh. “We’ll be tossed two episodes in…”
He throws his arm over my shoulder. “That’s the idea, Little Dove.”
My co-worker drops a stack of papers on my desk and winks. I smile, watching her leave my office as Dottie’s edgy tone brings me back to my phone conversation.
“All I’m saying is, some men could fiddle with my vagina for forty minutes and nothing. Seriously, I could do my nails, balance my checkbook, plan my summer wardrobe before I even getcloseto coming. But some men, lord have mercy,somemen, get me halfway there just by looking at me. That dark stare… Their square, steely posture… Where the hell arethosemen? I swear, it’s like LA’s well for genuinely sexy men has run completely dry.”
My shoulders shake with a laugh, though I feel her pain entirely. The last time I felt fulfilled was the night of Sondra’s wedding, the night before everything went to shit. I haven’t even been able to bring myself to use Billy Bunny, and he gives off fantastic vibes.
“Aww, are you sexually starving, Dot?” Sondra asks, her tone amused.
“Like a goddamn prison inmate. And before any of you hussies jump on my case, you remember this… Allthreeof you bitches have had a D in, on, or around your person in atleastthe last month. I haven’t taken a ride on the D-train in like six months.”
“I would just like to remind you ladies that I’m still on this call…” Keith says flatly.
Sondra snorts a laugh. “Darling, when was the last time you had a conversation with all three of us when wedidn’ttalk about our vaginas and what does ordoesn’tgo in them?”
“Good point. Proceed…”
“Yeah, Keith,” Dottie pounces. “Don’t pretend like you don’t get more D than all three of us combined, you sexy bastard.”
“Not my fault if I get them halfway there just by looking at them, Princess.”
I laugh, stuffing my planner into my leather backpack while I stand, then push my office chair in.
“Well, this has been… informative,” I say, twisting off the cap on my water bottle and dumping its contents into my thirsty little desk plant. “But I have to go. Sondra, welcome back from your honeymoon, babe. That said, your dinner party tonight… I just want to check one more ti—”
“Winter, he willnotbe there. I promise, sweetie. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
“Good. Because I cannot see Aleck, and I know that he and Preston see each other a lot now that he’s living in LA… Maybe one day we can all be in the same room together, but that day isn’t tonight, got it?”
“You won’t see him. He has plans. But even if he didn’t, I would cancel his invitation. You’ll always have first dibs.”
Plans.Aleck has plans on aFriday night. A date, probably. Will he take her to dinner? Then his place for cold, detached, animalistic sex? Will he offer her the guest room because he doesn’tdointimacy? Or maybe he’s different now. Maybe I showed him hecanbe boyfriend material if he wants to be. Maybe that’s what he wants. He certainly seemed to want it with me. Of course, I’m not one of LA’s gorgeous socialites with legs up to my throat. I wear Chucks with no socks, ripped up jean shorts, and T-shirts. I’m not glamorous in the slightest. Maybe his date tonight will be, and maybe she’ll turn out to bethe one. I’ll turn out to be a mere steppingstone on the way to him finding hisforever.
“I’m telling you right now…” Keith’s deep rasp comes through the line. “If he shows up tonight, I’m kicking his teeth down his throat.”
“Keith, I love you.” I laugh. “But that’s unnecessary. He’s not a terrible man, he just doesn’t want me. There’s no crime in that.”