Page 3 of Midnight Confessions
I could go three years, so this is going to be easy peasy.
Reading through the last few paragraphs of this manuscript, I shift in my seat, hanging on until the very last word.
...and even though Raven had multiple layers of doubt telling her to run in the opposite direction, she knew no one could thaw her the way Axel could. He made her heart dance enthusiastically and her vagina sing at the top of its labia lungs. She knew, without question, Axel was her forever. And ever. And ever.
Together, they would raise Shadow’s bastard child—who Axel once thought was his because of their matching glacial eyes. He would step up and be the man he never knew he could be. But she knew. Raven knew Axel would blossom like a man-flower and be the alpha he was always meant to be.
She smiled as he walked into her arms, her breasts taut with need.
“I love you, Raven Rose. I love you with all of my black heart,” Axel exclaimed with glee while sinking his rough meat-hooks into her womanly curves. “Let’s make love until we scorch the earth beneath us.”
“I love you too, Axe-Man. You and your black heart.”
Wow. That was…something.
I hate to admit it but, I loved it. Would I pass it on to my boss? Not aglacialchance in hell. In fact, if she knew I was spending my time reading manuscripts like these instead of chucking them immediately, she may fire me on the spot. But I had to see where—I sift through the pages to find the author’s name—Diesel Stonewas going with his story. I gather the pages together, tapping them on my desk to straighten and align them.
“I got you, Mr. Stone. Axel and Raven’s story will live on in my heart forever. And ever. And ever.”
My phone quacks, letting me know someone is calling. I feel around the inside of my leather backpack until my fingertips find the familiar circular edge of my PopSocket. I pull my phone from my bag and smile when I see Sondra’s name.
“Hey! You here? I’m currently filing a manuscript in the burn folder for using the termlabia lungs, then I’ll be ready.”
“Labia lungs?! That is…something.”
“That’s exactly what I said. And yet, I’m sad to see it go.”
“I have bad news…” Her grimace was apparent in her tone.
“No…” I let out a labored breath.
This isnota good time for bad news. Sondra and Preston are getting married in exactly two weeks and two days. She’s supposed to pick me up so we can drive the three hours to the resort in Santa Carlo. We hadplans. Plans to eat snacks and listen to Billie Eilish at volume fifty the entire trip there. We’re staying in a suite until the wedding, drinking wine, and pampering ourselves before she and Preston head out to Turks and Caicos for their honeymoon.
We have a cake tasting scheduled, flower choices to make, and event coordinators to meet with. Typically, these things would have already been decided, but Sondra couldn’t be any less interested in choosing themundanestuff—her words. So, she’s convinced the very uptight wedding coordinator that the resort provided to wait until we arrive so I can help her choose. And byhelp, she means chooseforher.
“I’ve been looking forward to getting the hell out of dodge for weeks now,” I tell her. “Don’t tell me the wedding is off. I’ll murder you both.”
I pick up my water bottle and empty its contents into a half-dead plant on the ledge of a small circle window in the wall opposite my desk.
“No, no, of course not. The wedding is still on… Wait, what was the context in which someone actually wrotelabia lungs?”
“Are you sure you want to hear this? Fair warning, if you just ate, you may vomit all over yourself…”
“I am one hundred percent invested in this. Vomiting all over myself is a risk I’m going to have to take.Twathave I got to lose?”
“Alright, butclits a doozy.He made her heart dance enthusiastically and her vagina sing at the top of its labia lungs...”
“Nooooo,” she breathes. “That ismagnificent. Just magnificent.”
“I agree. I love it so much. If I thought I wouldn’t get fired, I’d bind the book myself so I could keep it in my private library. Diesel Stone, you romance god, you.”
“Diesel Stone? Stop it. Stop it right now.”
A laugh bubbles in my chest. “Alright, points for disarming me. Now, what’s the bad news?”