Page 88 of Darker (Fifty Shades 5)
She’d be mine. Really mine.
And deep down I know there is only one answer.
A resounding yes.
I ignore all her other questions and respond.
* * *
From: Christian Grey
Subject: Me, Bossy?
Date: June 13 2011 09:07
To: Anastasia Steele
Yes. Please.
Christian Grey
CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.
While I wait for her response I read through the rest of the report on Jack Hyde. On the surface, his background check seems fine. He’s successful and earns a decent salary. He’s from humble beginnings and seems bright and ambitious, but there’s something unusual about his career path. Who, in publishing, starts in New York, then works at various publishers across the U.S., ending up in Seattle?
It makes no sense.
He doesn’t seem to have had any long-term relationships, and he never keeps an assistant for more than three months.
That means Ana’s time with him is limited.
* * *
From: Anastasia Steele
Subject: Flynnisms
Date: June 13 2011 09:20
To: Christian Grey
What happened to walking before we run?
Can we talk about this tonight, please?
I’ve been asked to go to a conference in New York on Thursday.
It means an overnight stay on Wednesday.
Just thought you should know.
A x
Anastasia Steele
Assistant to Jack Hyde, Editor, SIP
She doesn’t want to move in with me. This is not the news I wanted.
What did you expect, Grey?
At least she wants to discuss it this evening, so there’s hope. But then she also wants to fuck off to New York.
Well, that sucks.
I wonder if this is a conference on her own.
Or with Hyde?
* * *
From: Christian Grey
Subject: WHAT?
Date: June 13 2011 09:21
To: Anastasia Steele
Yes. Let’s talk this evening.
Are you going on your own?
Christian Grey
CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.
Jack Hyde must be a prick to work for if he doesn’t keep an assistant for more than three months. I know I’m an asshole, but Andrea’s worked for me for nearly a year and a half.
I didn’t know she was getting married.
Yes. That’s pissed me off, but before her there was Helena. She was with me for two years, and now she works in HR, recruiting our engineers.
While I wait for Ana’s answer, I read the final page of the report.
And there it is. Three hushed-up harassment claims at his previous publishers and two official warnings at SIP.
He’s a fucking creep. I knew it. Why wasn’t this in his employee file?
He was all over Ana at the bar. Invading her space. Like the photographer.
* * *
From: Anastasia Steele
Subject: No Bold Shouty Capitals on a Monday Morning!
Date: June 13 2011 09:30
To: Christian Grey
Can we talk about this tonight?
A x
Anastasia Steele
Assistant to Jack Hyde, Editor, SIP
Evasive, Miss Steele.
It’s a trip with him.
I know it.
She looked sensational this morning.
He’s planned it, I bet.
* * *
From: Christian Grey
Subject: You Haven’t Seen Shouty Yet.
Date: June 13 2011 09:35
To: Anastasia Steele
Tell me.
If it’s with the sleazeball you work with, then the answer is no, over my dead body.
Christian Grey
CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.
I hit send and then buzz Ros.
“Christian,” she answers immediately.
“There’s a lot of unnecessary expenditure at SIP. They’re hemorrhaging money and we need to put a stop to it. I want a moratorium on all nonessential peripheral spending. Travel. Hotels. Hospitality. All the T&E. Especially for junior staff. You know the drill.”
“Really? I don’t think we’ll save much money.”
“Just call Roach. Make it happen. Immediately.”
“What’s brought this on?”
“Just do it, Ros.”
She sighs. “If you insist. Do you want me to add it to the contract?”
“Thanks.” I hang up.
There. Now, that should put a stop to Ana and New York. Besides, I’d like to take her there myself. She told me yesterday that she’s never been there.
There’s a ping and Ana has responded.
* * *
From: Anastasia Steele
Subject: No YOU haven’t seen shouty yet.
Date: June 13 2011 09:46
To: Christian Grey
Yes. It is with Jack.
I want to go. It’s an exciting opportunity for me.
And I have never been to New York.
Don’t get your knickers in a twist.
Anastasia Steele
Assistant to Jack Hyde, Editor, SIP
I’m about to reply when I hear a knock. “What?” I bark.
Montana pokes her head around the door and lingers, which is especially irritating—either come in or don’t. “Mr. Grey, the registry for Andrea…”
For a moment I have no idea what she’s talking about.
“It’s at Crate and Barrel,” she continues, simpering.
“Okay.” What the hell am I supposed to do with that information?
“I’ve made a list of the items still available and their prices.”
“E-mail it to me,” I say through gritted teeth. “And get me another coffee.”
“Yes, Mr. Grey.” She smiles as if we’re discussing the fucking weather and shuts the door.
Now I can respond to Miss Steele.
* * *
From: Christian Grey
Subject: No YOU haven’t seen shouty yet.
Date: June 13 2011 09:50
To: Anastasia Steele
It’s not my fucking knickers I am worried about.
The answer is NO.
Christian Grey
CEO, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.
Montana places another macchiato on my desk. “You have a meeting at ten with Barney and Fred in the lab,” she says.