Page 91 of Darker (Fifty Shades 5)
When I turn to face my computer there’s another e-mail from Ana.
* * *
From: Anastasia Steele
Subject: Laters
Date: June 13 2011 11:32
To: Christian Grey
Can we please discuss this tonight?
I am trying to work, and your continued interference is very distracting.
Anastasia Steele
Assistant to Jack Hyde, Editor, SIP
Okay. I’ll leave you alone.
What I really want to do is go over to her office and take her somewhere splendid for lunch. But I don’t think she’d appreciate that.
With a heavy sigh, I open the e-mail that lists Andrea’s bridal registry. Pots, pans, dishes—nothing appeals to me. And again I wonder why she didn’t tell me about her nuptials.
Feeling morose, I call Flynn’s office and make an appointment to see him later this afternoon. It’s overdue. Then I summon Montana and ask her to go and buy me a wedding card and some lunch. Surely she can’t screw that up.
AS I’M EATING MY lunch, Taylor calls.
“Mr. Grey, everything’s okay.”
My heart goes into overdrive as adrenaline powers through my body.
“What is it? Is Ana okay?”
“She’s fine, sir.”
“Do you have news on Leila?”
“No, sir.”
“Then what is it?”
“I’m just letting you know that Ana went to the deli on Union Square. She’s back in the office. She’s fine.”
“Thank you for letting me know. Anything else?
“The Saab will be here this afternoon.”
“Great.” I put the phone down and try, really try, not to be mad as hell. I fail. She told me she’d stay put.
Leila could put a bullet through her.
Doesn’t she understand that?
I call her.
“Jack Hyde’s office—”
“You assured me you wouldn’t go out.”
“Jack sent me out for some lunch. I couldn’t say no. Are you having me watched?” She sounds incredulous.
I ignore her question. “This is why I didn’t want you going back to work.”
“Christian, please. You’re being so suffocating.”
“Yes. You have to stop this. I’ll talk to you this evening. Unfortunately, I have to work late because I can’t go to New York.”
“Anastasia, I don’t want to suffocate you.”
“Well, you are. I have work to do. I’ll talk to you later.” She sounds as miserable as I feel and she hangs up.
I’m suffocating her?
Maybe I am…
I just want to protect her. I saw what Leila did to her car.
Don’t push her too far, Grey.
She’ll leave.
FLYNN HAS A REAL log fire burning in his office. It’s June. It spits and crackles as we talk.
“You bought the company where she works?” Flynn asks with raised eyebrows.
“I think Ana has a point. I’m not surprised she feels suffocated.”
I shift in my chair. This is not what I want to hear. “I wanted to get into publishing.”
Flynn remains impassive, giving nothing away, waiting for me to speak.
“It’s over the top, isn’t it?” I concede.
“She wasn’t impressed.”
“Did you set out to impress her?”
“No. That wasn’t my intention. Anyway, SIP is mine now.”
“I understand that you’re trying to protect her, and I know why you’re trying to do that. But this is an out-of-the-ordinary reaction. You have a bank account that allows you to do this, but you will drive her away if you continue on this path.”
“That’s what I’m worried about.”
“Christian, you have a great deal to contend with at the moment. Leila Williams—and yes, I will help you when you find her—Anastasia’s animosity toward Elena…I think you can understand why Ana feels that way.” He gives me a pointed look.
I shrug, unwilling to agree with him.
“But there’s something much bigger you’re not telling me, and I’ve been waiting for you to tell me since you arrived here. I saw it on Saturday.”
I stare at him, wondering what he’s talking about. He sits patiently. Waiting.
He saw it on Saturday?
The bidding?
The dancing?
“I’m in love with Ana.”
“Thank you. I know.”
“I could have told you that when you came to see me after she left you. I’m glad you worked it out for yourself.”
“I didn’t know I was capable of feeling like this.”
“Of course you’re capable.” He sounds exasperated. “That’s why I was so interested in your reaction when she told you that she loved you.”
“It’s getting easier to hear.”
He smiles. “Good. I’m glad.”
“I’ve always been able to separate the different aspects of my life. My work. My family. My sex life. I understood what each of these meant to me. But since I met Ana, it’s not as simple anymore. It’s entirely unfamiliar and I feel out of my depth and out of control.”
“Welcome to falling in love.” Flynn smiles. “And don’t be too hard on yourself. You have an ex on the loose with a gun who has already tried to get your attention by attempting suicide in front of your housekeeper. And she’s vandalized Ana’s car. You’ve put measures in place to keep Ana and you safe. You’ve done all you can. You can’t be everywhere, and you can’t keep Ana locked up.”
“I want to.”
“I know you do. But you can’t. Simple.”
I shake my head, but deep down I know John’s right.