Page 70 of For Your Eyes Only
She straddles the chair, grinding her hips, then she bends her knees and starts to thrust. It’s the last straw. In that bodysuit with her bare pussy and naked ass practically exposed, I shove into the crowd.
My eyes never leave her face, and I see when she sees I’ve lost control. Her full lips press together before breaking into a huge smile, revealing her straight white teeth. She doesn’t stop dancing, circling her ass and whipping her hair around.
I’m pushing men aside, throwing them out of the way in my fever to get to her. She lifts a hand to her mouth, holding it over her lips and blowing an invisible kiss to me. Her nose wrinkles, and she skips around the stage as if she’s waiting, taunting me to come and get her.
Reason has left my mind. Concern about how I look or what the other employees will think has left my mind. The rules never made it to my mind.
A guy twice my size stumbles into my path. He’s clearly drunk, and I grab him by the collar, roughly jamming him into his friend.
My dick has grown two sizes, and it’s calling the shots. The only thing that will give me relief is getting to Gia and taking her out of here, back to my place where we can finish this.
When I finally reach the edge of the stage, her eyes are fixed on mine, and her dance changes. Before it was showy and wide, directed at me, but open to the whole crowd. Now that I’m directly in front of her, she narrows her moves.
Her wingspan is only open to me, and she dances in the square facing me, even dropping to her knees to give me a better view of her beautiful body.
The song continues loudly, but she’s on all fours now, crawling to where I stand with my mouth dry from panting like a wolf. The crowd slams into me, doing their best to get to her, but her eyes are locked on mine.
She reaches out a rhinestone-speckled arm directly in my face, and purrs, “Touch me.”
I’m standing in front of her, doing my best to stay calm, not even worried about the tent in my pants. I’ll deal with that later. Only one thing exists in this moment, this sex goddess on the stage who gave herself to me, holding out her arms and asking me to take her.
The men around me sway like waves on the ocean held back by nothing but the invisible rule ofno touching, waiting to see if I’ll break the only law keeping us in check. Bouncers draw close, making the space seem smaller.
“Take me…” Her arms are outstretched, and my hand rises from my side.
I’m ready to do as she asks. The song is ending, and I’m ready to claim what’s mine for the whole audience to see.
“Stop.” DJ appears behind her ordering me, ready to carry her offstage. “No touching the dancers.”
“I don’t dance here anymore.” Her voice is loud, and it’s all I need.
Placing both my hands on the glossy stage, I hoist myself onto it, brushing off my suit as I stand. She stands in front of me, looking up with a glossy smile, her beautiful tits rising up and down with her breathless pants.
Her entire body sparkles, and I don’t think it’s just the rhinestones. She’s illuminated from within. Lifting my hand, I slide the back of my fingertips over her cheek. She closes her eyes, leaning her face into my touch. I bend down and lift her into my arms before turning to face the crowd.
For the most part, the men cheer, some laugh, and a few make booing sounds. Gia kicks her feet and waves as she blows kisses, telling them goodbye, and I turn, ready to carry her through the dressing room door, through the backstage area, to my car, to my place.
She wraps her arms around my neck, hugging her head under my chin, and I lean down to kiss her forehead. I’m the victor claiming his spoils, when my sight lands on him lurking in the corner, cold eyes glittering.
He’s not wearing a hoodie tonight, but I recognize him all the same. I don’t know how I never saw it before. I guess the hood obscured his features? There’s no mistaking Andre, my shadow, watching me with daggers in his eyes.
His fists are clenched, and I hug Gia closer, as the desire burning inside me turns to defiance. What I did here broke the rules. It made a big show of ownership, and it opened her up to everything I want to keep away from her.
Still, even as I dare him to touch her, I know we’re not hidden in Palm Beach. I know the man watching me now wouldn’t hesitate to use this information to keep me in line, to bend me to their will.
I’ve been dodging Grish’s texts and calls, but now it’s time to get back on the grid.
Standing in Trip’s oversized, stone shower, I close my eyes as three rainfall shower heads spray me from above and both sides. It feels so good, massaging my muscles and energizing me for him.
Tonight was better than I ever could have imagined. I was powerful. I was the fully emerged butterfly. Tonight was our hard launch as a couple—we let the world know Trip and I are together. I’m no longer dancing, and I’ve chosen the man of my dreams.
When he lifted me in his arms and carried me off the stage, I felt like a true Cinderella. I’d found my prince at last.
He brought me back to his penthouse apartment, where we’ve spent most of the last week practically inseparable, then with a kiss, he said he’d be right back. I didn’t question it. Walking through the gorgeous, empty apartment, I got an idea.