Page 12 of Smoke the Enemy
Classes have resumed on campus after the Thanksgiving break and students have the option to do virtual or attend in person. A lot of students and staff are struggling and there’s counseling options available for those who need help in dealing with the murders. It seems now the killer, or if this is a new murderer, is focused on people connected to the school somehow, but now taken itoffcampus. Being onnected to the Delta Pi Theta fraternity is their connection to the school…and more importantly, The Illicit Brotherhood.
Will they be here waiting for me?This thought has plagued my mind ever since I returned. I only thought I knew fear, I had no clue what true terror was until I saw all three of them standing there together that night. Now, each time I open my door, I brace myself to find them there waiting for me again. But they haven’t.Not yet.Whoever is involved with this secret society is more powerful than I realized. So much tragedy and chaos, yet the media has yet to acknowledge the fraternity or any association to the killer. They’re trying to sweep it all away. I’ve never been one for conspiracy theories, but I’m starting to buy into it. Everything has shifted to issues that aren’t important, and some of the murders haven’t been so much as mentioned. So it’s just business as usual. Campus is open and we’re all supposed to continue about our day… like nothing happened before break. Easier said than done.
Before break was terrifying. I regret having sex with Soren on the beach before I left. It wasn’t the right time. I was just so confused with everything. Then that damn dream freaked me out even more. There is no way I’d ever let Alex touch me again. Not when I suspect how evil he truly might be. And Lee? I’ve only seen him as one of the brothers in the fraternity. He’s hot, I’ll give him that, but I’ve never wanted him. Even now my cheeks heat just remembering him between my legs in the dream. The whole thing was incredible, even if it both excites and scares me. I know in my heart that I just need to escape all of them. I’m falling in love with the wrongmen. Multiple! Heaven help me. Maybe it’s time to transfer schools?
When I walk into class I see Kali and wave. Sitting in the seat next to mine is Steffan. I don’t know why I expected him to be absent. It’s sort of funny to think that a crime lord has time for a psych class. Then again, what better tool to have in your back pocket than understanding the mind of your opponents. Actually, that’s something I need to remember as well.
I tilt my chin up as I take my seat. Without looking at him, I open my notebook and say without making eye contact, “I haven’t heard from you in a while.”
“There’s been… uh…”
“Fraternity business,” I finish for him.
He releases a relieved yet humorless chuckle. “Yup,” and he pops the p. He leans closer and whispers, “I’ve missed you. Don’t think I haven’t thought about you or kept tabs on things with you.”
I turn my heard and our noses are a breath apart. “I’m flattered. Too bad this is the first time I actually thought of you.”
“Ouch.” He leans back in his chair. “I deserve that. Can I get you a coffee after class?”
“You can, but I won’t accept it. You ghosted me, Steffan. You could’ve texted. It takes a minute of your precious time.”
Steffan nods but doesn’t say anymore. Then class begins and I try to ignore the warmth radiating from him, the intoxicating smell of his cologne, and that his foot has managed to slide over next to mine. Damn him.
When class is over, I hightail it out of there and Kali catches up to me on the sidewalk. She giggles and looks over her shoulder. “What was that about?”
“Me standing up for myself. Not being a doormat. He can’t ignore me and then sit down like it’s business as usual,” I vent to her.
“Did you reach out to him?”
I stop and stare at her.Whose side is she on?Also, I hate that she has a point. “You bring up a valid point, but I’m not going to apologize. I have to start setting some boundaries. Demanding respect.”
Kali wraps her arms around me in a warm hug. “Good for you, bitch. I’m proud of you. Can I buy you a coffee…andyou accept it?”
I burst out laughing and cover my face. “You heard that?”
“Oh yeah. I fucking loved it. I wanted to throw my fist in the air and shout ‘Yeah, bitch. That’s my girl.’ But instead, I remained a quiet bystander. Like a good friend would do.”
“So I should offer to get you coffee.” I fall in step with Kali and I bump her shoulder, laughing.
“Should I be this flattered that you turned down Steffan Carmichael forme?”
“I didn’t turn him down for–”
“Tut-tut. Let me have this.”
We cross the road, and when I turn back, I see Steffan watching us. I give him a little wave. Kali sees me and does the same, clearly mocking and enjoying every second of it.
Before bed my cell chimes. It’s from Steffan.
Steffan: I’m thinking about you…
Me: Funny. I just thought about you.
Steffan: Really??
Me: Yeah. I saw a discarded condom on campus.