Page 25 of Smoke the Enemy
“Yup,” I glance at him, already working out my lie for when she doesn’t arrive tonight. Long layover. Canceled flights.Lying to my parents while standing in the Lord’s house.This is a new low.“Sorry, Alex. It just doesn’t work.” I plaster a smile on my face as I look at him. Alex doesn’t look phased. If anything, he looks impressed that I’m blowing him off.
“It’s okay,” He gives me a fake, charming smile, “I’m sure we’ll see each other plenty when we return to campus.”
“You two should try and get a coffee or something before then,” my mom keeps pushing.
I shoot her a look, but she only smiles at me, “I’m sure Alex is busy. Plus, I promised Kali I’d show her around town.” I drop my roommate’s name again, hoping that everyone gets the hint.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” He smiles and shivers run up my spine, “After everything that happened on campus, I’d want to be with friends too.”
The way his eyes glitter with amusement makes me want to gag. Thinking about the gruesome murders and lives lost makes me want to scream and cry at the same time. Alex talks about it so nonchalantly that I can’t help but wonder all over again…did he have something to do with the evil on campus? Right as I go to ask, he walks away. My phone vibrates in my pocket at the same time.
Kali: CALL ME!
I ease away from my parents who are now talking to some of the neighbors. Glancing around I hit call and bring the phone to my ear.
“Hey,” I say when I hear Kali answer.
“Oh my God, Taylor, are you okay?” Her voice sounds panicked.
“Yeah, Kali, what’s wrong?” I ask, my feet shuffling as far away from the crowd as I can go.
“Didn’t you hear the news?”
“No,” I answer, my body starting to shake.
“There was a murder. It was off campus, at the nursing home, but they’re saying it was gruesome. Just like on campus,” Kali’s voice is low, as if she’s trying to keep her voice down, and I wonder if she’s in public. I feel like my heart just stopped.
“Who was it?” Lois and I volunteered at the nursing home. There are so many people I knew there.
“A nurse. I don’t remember the name. I’m sorry. She wasn’t a full-time nurse there. One of those head nurses who went to the hospitals, campus health center, and other places.”
Nobody I was close to was that high up, so most likely I didn’t know her, but still it’s tragic. My heart breaks. Kali is still in Blue Rose and it’s making me antsy. I already told my parents she was coming, so I ask, “How do you feel about a trip to my hometown?”
Kali exhales, “I thought you’d never ask.”
I end the call with Kali and quickly call Lois. I have to know she’s well. Lois and I grew close while working in the library and during my volunteer work. I know she doesn’t have much family, and there’s really no one to check on her.
The phone rings and then, “Hello. This is Lois.”
“Lois! Merry Christmas!” I cry in relief. She sounds good. She’s okay.She’s alive.
“Well, heavens to Betsy! Taylor Mae! Oh, my sweet girl. Hearing your voice is a blessing to these old ears. This is the best Christmas present.” My chest tightens at hearing the excitement in her voice.
“You’re too kind. But I’m so relieved. I was so worried about you.”
Lois scoffs. “Don’t worry about these old bones. Although, being skinned like a fish isn’t exactly how I’d like to leave this world. Honestly, the way my skin is hanging loose and dragging, they wouldn’t even need to flay me.”
I groan at her inappropriate and morbid humor. “Lois.”
“Enjoy your youth. My lady bits are as shriveled as a raisin and drier than the Mojave Desert. It all goes downhill before you know it. But enough about me,you.Tell me about you. Still got those handsome devils after you?”
Handsome devils.If she only knew. “I haven’t heard much from them.”
“Pity. Your parents?”
“They’re well. We just sang in the Christmas service.”
“Oh lovely! Did anyone record it? If so, send it to me, will you?”