Page 39 of Smoke the Enemy
Suddenly, the lights come on. The brightness temporarily blinding me. The static sounds, and a soothing voice announces, “Sorry for the interruption, folks, go about your shopping and enjoy the rest of your night.”What the hell?That sounded like Lee.
I hurry to the front of the store.They’re here.But did they get him?People begin moving, and I weave my way around so many people trying to find them. It didn’t seem like that many customers before, but now that I’m in a hurry everyone is here.
When I reach the customer service desk nobody is there. I walk behind it, and through a door. Papers are thrown about, a frame has been knocked off the wall and sits broken on the floor, and then I see the intercom with a sticky note on it.
You owe us, Little Mouse.
Little Mouse actually did us a favor, but she doesn’t need to know that. Call me a sick asshole, but I plan to use her calling me for help as a way to have a moment with her. It’s a win-win.
“It’s not right,” Steffan scolds me.
“Really? And since when are you concerned about morals and ethics?”
Steffan rolls his eyes. “We live by a code and do maintain some semblance of honor.”
I laugh at him.The bleeding heart criminal, ladies and gentlemen, Steffan Carmichael. An honorable man among the depraved heathens.
We drive to the swamp behind the mansion. The other side of the bank connects to our backyard, but when it’s time to feed Allison, we come to this side. Three large black SUVs all pull up. I’m surprised Alex didn’t hang around the store to appear like he was Taylor’s savior. Instead, he’s here to help conduct Brotherhood business. He knows the order to eliminate the final Van Doren male.And Bryce has got to go. Steffan and I grabbed him from the store and were able to subdue him and get him into our vehicle. Steffan let our father know we finally had Van Doren, and his orders were the same. Van Doren must die.
Crickets and frogs all blend with the cool breeze that’s blowing in the night. Bryce struggles against Lee and Steffan, and it only adds to the pleasing night melody. “We’ve come full circle, Van Doren. You’re right back to Allison.”
I cut my eyes to Alex. Does he know how Allison got her name? Does he know that it wasmewho killed his mother and fed her to the gator? I had wanted to protect the offspring she spoke of back then, but now her son may follow her and suffer the same fate.
“What do you think of the name?” I give Alex a lopsided smirk.
“Allison? Fitting for an alligator,” Alex responds coolly. He doesn’t seem affected by the name at all. Maybe I’ll share the significance with him right before I kill him.
We remove the duct tape and black tie shoved in Bryce’s mouth. Steffan stands before him. “Have you been the one committing the murders?”
“No. God, no. That’s been your unhinged twin.”
Somehow I know he’s telling the truth. It’s not him. It’s not me either, but he’s being honest that he isn’t the murderer. I’ve studied everything about Bryce, just as I do with all the brothers. Their tells, the slightest rise in voice or widening of eyes. Bryce’s neck veins always bulge when he lies, and caves in when he’s being truthful. Right now I can see every vein and tendon in his cherry red neck. Bryce isn’t the murderer. Then who the fuck is? My eyes drift back over to Alex.
“Let me go. I promise I’ll go away this time. Please. I have a sister who needs me.”
Lee snarls at him. “Nobody needs you.” Then spits at his feet.
Alex whips out a knife. I stare fascinated by the grooves and craftsmanship. He cocks his head to me. “Do you want to see it?” Wordlessly, I extend my hand. It has several blood drip cuts, and the blade is exquisite. Alex leans toward me and whispers in my ear, “I keep it extremely sharp, and all the grooves keep the handle from getting bloody and becoming slippery.”
My cock grows hard. I could have a lot of fun with this knife. I lick my lips, and Alex is there in my ear again. “I haven’t had the chance to carve my initials in another’s skin yet… but I plan to.”
“You better stay the fuck away from Taylor.”
He smiles. The fucker smiles while he’s staring death in the face. “She asked me to cut her. Begged me to.”
“Call her. Right now. Ask her yourself. I didn’t get to, unfortunately, we were interrupted. She wanted my dick…and my knife.”
His smile widens, “Same day I found her after the car accident.”
I see red. Stomping away, I pull out my phone and call her. No way. No fucking way. A part of me is so hard at the thought of Taylor being into that, and another part of me is past the point of rational thought. I’m so pissed thinking she would want that with Alex.
“Soren!” Steffan yells, but I can’t think straight. I have to know. “Soren!”