Page 42 of Smoke the Enemy
Kali busts out laughing with me. “They seem to like their kinks.”
“Kali!” I giggle harder because she isn’t lying. If she only knew exactly how close to the truth she was. My mind flashes again to Alex and his knife, of Soren taking a picture of me after our first time, the silent way he stalks me now, and lastly, of Steffan and the dirty way he made me watch him jackoff in the stacks when we first met. I blush thinking of our latest tryst in the basement while he whispered dirty things in my ear just yesterday. Or the way Soren and Steffan pinned me between them and fed intomy own dark fantasies and kink. Good Lord, I have my own set of kinks.
“I’m so screwed,” I whisper, “I don’t’ think I can pray hard enough for the Lord to forgive me.”
Kali snorts, “You like sex, Tay. That doesn’t make you a bad person. Or else all of us would be burning in hell.”
“Sex with brothers? Twins? At the same time?” I cock my head looking at her, my cheeks slightly blushing when I realize this is the first time I’ve divulged to her the truth of the situation I’m in with them.
Kali’s eyes widen in surprise, but she smiles and shrugs, “If they’re into it, too how is it bad? It’s sex. As long as it’s consensual and they give you the big O, I see no issues.”
I scoff, but can’t help the giggle that also escapes. “I’m scared what others will think if they find out.” Kali is the exception. She’s been cheering me on from the start. Never have I felt judged by her when we discuss my love life.
“Again,” Kali throws her arms out, “Fuck them. Two smoking hot, slightly crazed, alpha males want you. This is what every romance book reading junkie dreams about. You’re living the dream, girl!”
I roll onto my back so we’re both lying next to each other. “I wish I could let myself be freer.”
Kali remains quiet with me this time. She allows me to ponder and worry and come back to the same conclusion as always. I still want them both. Right when I think those words, my phone pings.
Soren: Did Alex tell you that? Don’t trust him, Little Mouse. He’s part of the reason Van Doren got away. You’re safe now. Go to sleep. We’ll see you tomorrow.
“Well, see, your little stalker probably already checked the house,” Kali’s voice sing-songs, which only sends us both into another fit of laughter.
I also realize that I don’t hate it. Last semester I wasn’t sure what was going on, but now if it means I’m safe, Soren can creep around my house all he wants. Everything has changed, including me.
Blue Rose, Alabama
“Van Doren has been hiding out at the football house again,” Steffan alerts me the second my feet hit the kitchen floor. We both had zero sleep last night. Not that I need much, but Steff is looking a little grouchy this morning. His usually messy hair looking like he ran his fingers through it all night.
“When will those idiots learn that protecting him only makes things worse for him?” I scoff and reach for the stack of pancakes on the island counter.Going against us is not doing any favors for them. We’re the most influential fraternity on this campus, and surely they know that.
“They need another lesson. Their place on this campus is expendable.” My brother sets his phone on the table harder than he probably means to. I like that he’s already thinking violently this morning. It makes my job easier.
“So when are we heading over there?”
Steffan shakes his head. “We have to finish Brotherhood shit first. Dad is already jumping down my throat that we fucked up yesterday, and he learned that we pushed back our deal with the Fallen MC in order to go after Bryce. And in case you forgot, finding and dealing with the Angel Maker is also on our list.”
It takes everything inside of me not to roll my eyes. Like I’d forget the dead body and the threat painted in the snow with blood. Of course, thegoodson is more worried about what Father thinks. “What about Taylor? If she’s alone all day and we’re out of town, what’s stopping Van Doren from attacking her again?”
“You checked on her last night, right?” He tilts his head, studying me. Of course, I did. I needed to make sure her house was locked down. Then I checked in on her with my camera. I glare at him for thinking I wouldn’t have. “Right.” He scrubs his hands over his face, “I sent Dupree the info. He’s taking care of it.”
“You brought Dupree into our business?” I grit my jaw. That smug bastard was playing a dangerous game yesterday.
“We had to move quick. You know things are rocky between the elders. If we’re eliminating a member, it has to be quick. Dupree will wait until we get back,” Steffan explains, and even though I absolutely hate it, I get it.
“If Dupree is watching Van Doren, both problems are far away from our Little Mouse while he handles the other shit.” I mull over the carefully crafted plan.
“We handle the Fallen MC, Father gets off our backs, and we can go back to keeping Taylor safe by eliminating Van Doren.” He stands from the table and glances at his watch.
“We’re eliminating Dupree,” I warn him. Steffan’s eyes, identical to mine, flash when he looks at me. My twin doesn’t need to speak the words, as long as we’re on the same page.
“Lee will be here soon,” he says next, placing his coffee cup in the sink.
“Of course, your lapdog is joining us too.”
“You really need to get over hating Lee. Plus, he has the information for us about the Angel Maker.” Steffan shrugs off my comment and goes to move around me. I don’t hate Lee. He just makes me really want a cigarette. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t get over the feeling he’s fucking up somehow.That, and the fact that he moved into my spot when I was forced out.