Page 44 of Smoke the Enemy
“What about the school counselor?” Lee asks.
“There can’t be three serial killers running around,” Steffan scoffs. We all walk fast to the car and jump in. We need to get out of here.And fast.
“Are we telling Father?”
“After we get rid of Van Doren,” Steffan grits through his clenched teeth. Lee goes silent in the front seat, his body locked up.
“Dupree was supposedly keeping an eye on Van Doren all night once we found out he’s at the football house. So whoever did this wasn’t him,” I point out, hating the semantics.Plus, I believed him when he said he wasn’t responsible for the killings.
“This was done within a twenty-four-hour time span. Van Doren could have been here, then back to campus to go after your girl,” Lee adds quietly.
“Dupree had opportunity as well,” I fire back.
“Regardless, Father does not find out about the Fallen MC until after we take care of Van Doren,” Steffan argues and I shrug my shoulders. I don’t fucking care. I want Van Doren gone. I want Dupree gone, too, whether he’s the Angel Maker or not. “Text Dupree and tell him the drop took longer. We’ll be back tomorrow to help with Van Doren.”
My brow raises, “Why are we putting that off?”
“We need more time. If it’s Van Doren, let him sweat it, thinking of what we’re finding. We need to come up with a plan before we confront him,” Steffan explains while I send the text message.
Something still plagues me, though. There are pieces still not adding up. “What if the counselor was just at the wrong place, wrong time? Killer was looking for something and she just showed up unexpectedly. The killer had no choice,” I voice my opinion, it makes more sense than there being three killers.
“Why stuff her body with Christmas lights, though?” Lee asks.
I resist the urge to roll my eyes, “Why stuff their bodies with snakes? Clearly there’s a message, and this person is psychotic,” I respond, my voice filled with snark.
“Snakes and angels…” Steffan’s voice trails off. “This sounds religious in the irony of the murders.”
“And who has a pastor in the family?” I ask, keeping my stare strained on my brother. “Who was running around town for days and was able to somehow catch Van Doren last night. But how? We also scoured the woods and found no one. Van Doren attacks Taylor, but who doesn’t show up until late when we have Van Doren.”
Right. Fuck. The only person who really had the time to get in and out of town.
That settles it. The killer is Alex Dupree.
Blue Rose, Alabama
My nerves were on edge. I hadn’t heard back from Soren, and my message to Steffan had been left on unread. I had no idea what they were doing or if Bryce was free. I couldn’t stay at home forever, and neither could Kali. I had a life to live, and I refused to be a shrinking wallflower who hid from everything. So I went to the library. Lois finally returned from her vacation, and she needed help today, which worked out perfectly for me. Stacking books kept my mind busy. Working with Lois also kept my spirits from sinking into worry.
“I’m so glad you’re back,” I tell her again for the fifth time in the few hours I’ve been there.
Lois looks at me with a big smile. “I’m happy to be back. Although my vacation was extraordinary too. You simply have to take the time to travel to the Caribbean.”
“I will someday,” I tell her in agreement.
“Anyway, dear, tell me about your blue-eyed, golden-haired hunk?” Lois leans across the cart, her chin resting in her hand.
“Soren?” I ask, placing another book on the shelf.
“Soren? I thought his name was Steffan?” Lois’s eyes widen.
“Ah…” My cheeks flush, “They’re twins.”
“Well, Taylor Lake, I didn’t think you had it in you! A little ménage à trois on campus! I love it,” Lois gushes, her eyes glittering in excitement.
“I don’t think that’s what they call it these days.” I laughwith her, shaking my head. “I actually don’t know what we are or what is going on. They’re very secretive.”