Page 44 of In The Darkness
“What? You seem like you want to say something.”
Shaking his head, he smiled at this incredible woman who sat before him. Out of the most horrible experience of her life, she’d taken all the good she could find in it and turned it into something great. He’d admired people before, but he could honestly say the pride he felt for what she was building there made his heart swell.
“I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You could have come away from that kidnapping and turned inward, and you know what? No one would have blamed you. But you didn’t. You took what they did to you and made something good happen from it. That’s damn incredible, if you ask me.”
Persephone shook her head. “You always neglect to mention your part in all of this, Nick. You’re the inspiration for everything I’m doing. I want to do everything in my power to ensure that any woman in danger has her own Nick there for her. This all came about because you pulled me out of that place. Don’t ever forget that.”
As always, hearing her say those things touched him, but he preferred to give her all the credit. “I was just doing my job. You’re doing something incredible. There’s the difference.”
She slid her hands over his cheeks and looked into his eyes with love in hers. “This humility thing you have going on isn’t necessary with me. I was there with you at that house. I know what happened.”
And there was the truth that he couldn’t escape. He still hadn’t forgiven himself for that one horrible day, but they went through it together. Now, he looked forward to Project Artemis and all they would accomplish together in the future.
Pressing his forehead to hers, he whispered, “I love you, Persephone. I hope you know that.”
His declaration was rewarded with one of her tender smiles that never failed to make his heart skip a beat.
“And I love you. Are you ready to give out these first assignments?”
He sat back on his heels and nodded. “Let’s get to helping these women.”
For the first time since he left the bureau, he felt like he was involved in something honorable. It may never make up for the mistakes he made in the past, but it made him look forward to the future.
And he hadn’t felt that for far too long.
Nick heard themen as the delivery guys brought in the new poker table and chairs to the game room. He’d kept this surprise for last because he knew it would be the best one of all. For far too long, they’d all played their favorite game on that dining room table of his at his apartment. Now they’d have a proper table to play on and comfortable chairs too.
He opened the door and saw them all staring at the new addition to the room. The delivery men finished setting it all up and walked out, leaving them standing there with their mouths hanging open looking at the enormous oblong table made to order just for their poker games.
“Nice, huh?” he said with a smile as he ran his hand across the back of one of the black leather chairs. “I thought about getting the round table, but with all of us, I figured the eight footer would be better.”
Gideon and Xavier practically jumped into chairs on each side of the table, staking their claim on their spots as the rest of the team stood ogling at the newest perk that came from working for Project Artemis. Both men ran their hands over the soft leather chair arms and seemed clearly pleased by Nick’s idea.
“You sure do know how to live,” Gideon said with a smile. “I like the effect your lady has had on you already. This table and these chairs are the shit!”
“Yeah! Let’s play,” Xavier said as he rummaged through the drawers under the table to find the chips Nick had ordered to go with the new set.
Each man sat down in his usual place they liked back at his apartment, and Julian chose a spot directly across from Nick on the other end of the oblong table since this was his first time playing with all of them. Running his hands along the mahogany wood trim, he shook his head and grinned.
“Do we have Persephone to thank for this or you?” Julian asked.
Xavier turned to look at Nick and pointed at him. “If you tell me she bought this for us after the big screen TV, pool table, and foosball table, I swear to God I might have to go to her office and tell her I love her, dude. This is like the ultimate man cave now.”
Nick chuckled and for a moment thought about how Persephone would react if Xavier actually professed his love for her because of the game room. “This one is all me. Her designer suggested everything else, but I figured since we’re going to be playing poker here now, we might as well do it in style.”
Marius nodded his approval. “You did good, my friend. I’m not as big a fan of all that other stuff these guys love, but this is what a man should have to play poker. Too bad Dax isn’t here to enjoy this inaugural game.”
Roman began shuffling the cards. “Bad for Dax but good for me. I don’t leave until later tonight, so I get to see if I can win some of the money I lost to you guys last time we played.”
Xavier spread the stacks of chips out in front of him and held up a purple one. “What’s this?”
“You’re in the big leagues now, X,” Hunter said with a chuckle. “That’s a five hundred dollar chip.”
For a moment, the young hacker looked a little surprised. They’d always only played with white chips for a dollar, red for five, blue for ten, green for twenty-five, and black for a hundred.
“Five hundred, huh? Well, when in Rome,” Xavier said with a cocky grin as he began to parse out the chips to each player like he usually did in their games.