Page 6 of Behind the Scenes
She wore her warm brown hair in a bun today, and as he let his gaze slide down her body, he saw the usual grey business suit of a skirt and blazer over a pink silk blouse. Miles of legs ended with stiletto heels that made him wish that stupid line in the contract never existed. He never tired of seeing Tess, even though it always meant he’d be leaving for work right afterward.
“No glasses? You’re ruining my whole sexy librarian fantasy, Tess,” he said and winked when he stopped in front of her.
“They’re back at my desk. You know, if Nick or Persephone hear you talking like that, they won’t be happy. I also think I can bring you up on sexual harassment charges for that crack, by the way.”
She smiled as she said that to let him know she didn’t mean it. Or if she did, she had no plans to get him in trouble. Hunter knew better than to cross the line, even if he pushed right up against it.
“But for now, Persephone wants to see you so we need to get to her office,” Tess said as she began walking down the dimly lit hallway.
For a moment, he watched her hips sway beautifully, appreciating just how gorgeous his boss’s assistant really was. He might never get to lay a hand on her, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t notice the obvious beauty she possessed.
“Stop staring at my ass, Hunter, and let’s go,” Tess called back without turning around.
Gorgeous and sharp-tongued. Exactly how he loved his women.
He caught up to her just as she sat down at her desk. “Thanks, Tess. See you on the flip side.”
She put her hand up to stop him before he could go into Persephone’s office. “Not yet. She’s tied up right now. Give her a minute.”
“I guess that means I get to spend time with you then. There are worse ways to kill a few minutes,” he said with a smile as he let his eyes roam where he wished his hands could.
Giving him a knowing smile, she said, “You know the rules, Hunter. No fraternizing between you guys and us. It’s against Persephone’s rules.”
He sat down on the edge of her desk and leaned over toward her. “We weren’t supposed to be able to stay on here if we became involved, but Roman’s still here. Rules were made to be broken.”
Just then, Persephone appeared in his peripheral vision and cleared her throat. “Not this rule, Hunter.”
Tess quickly stood up and backed away. “I didn’t realize you’d finished your phone call.”
“Thank you, Tess. Hunter, please come in. Let’s see if we can get your mind back on why you’re part of Project Artemis.”
Caught in the act, he had little choice but to do as she said. Standing, he looked over at Tess and saw worry etched into her face. He gave her a wink to let her know he’d be sure to smooth things over with Persephone so she knew he’d been the instigator and not her assistant.
By the time he closed the office door behind him, Persephone had already sat down at her desk. As he walked toward the chair in front of it to take his seat, he had to admit his boss looked right at home behind that expensive old desk she’d supposedly had imported from Italy right after she dropped a couple million on the house. Persephone oozed money and power.
And like Tess, she had a look about her that made it hard to turn away. Long dark hair hung far past her shoulders in soft waves over her green turtleneck sweater, giving her a girl-next-door look. Her face only added to that almost sweet feel she gave off, especially when she smiled.
Nothing less than stunning, she only revealed herself to be anything other than a pretty face when she opened her mouth. Then you knew you were dealing with a far shrewder person than the outside gave any hint of.
Hunter appreciated that, though. While she tended to be more serious than he preferred women to be, she had a great mind and her passion for what they did there made her even more beautiful to anyone who didn’t find a committed woman intimidating. Since he didn’t, he admired her.
How she felt about him he couldn’t say. Since she employed his talents quite often recently, he thought she admired him. His behavior with Tess had probably put a dent in that impression, though, so he quickly worked to clean up any mess he may have created with his completely innocent flirting.
“I was only joking with Tess out there. She wasn’t doing anything to encourage me. Honest,” he said, hoping to save his flirting partner from a lecture from her boss.
Persephone leveled her gaze on him and gave him a tiny smile that barely lifted the corners of her mouth. “I’m sure. And I’m sure if I ask her about it, she’ll say the same thing, so I’m not worried. I know who’s who around here.”
That didn’t sound like anything he’d hoped she’d say. He was looking for her to give him a reprimand so Tess could be in the clear. But that last line—I know who’s who around here—made him think she might have pegged her assistant for something she hadn’t done.
“Really. She’s never anything other than professional. I’m completely to blame,” he continued in an attempt to smooth things over more.
Persephone’s gaze never wavered, and she nodded as he finished. “I know. I’m not blaming Tess. That would be like blaming a beautiful woman who wears beautiful clothes for men noticing her. Can we get to what I wanted to see you about or would you like to dig that hole you’re in a little deeper?”
Like Tess, her boss had a sharp tongue to her too, but he didn’t dare try any verbal sparring with her. “Sure. I’m here to serve. What can I do for you?”
“I have an assignment for you, Hunter.”
He nodded, not needing a statement of the obvious. “I’m just wondering why I seem to be the main blip on your radar lately. X hasn’t gone out on an assignment in so long I think it was another sport’s season the last time he left that game room.”