Page 7 of Private Secretary
Just then, the phone rang and she ran out of the kitchen to answer it. Alone, I rubbed my temples before pushing my hair out of my eyes. What had this DeVille guy gotten me into? Emma had been in my office for less than half a day, and I couldn't get my mind off what I wanted to do with her.
I cleaned up and walked back to my office. As I sat down, my cell phone went off. I looked down and saw it was my partner calling me. No doubt with a long and rambling story of his most recent conquest on the beach.
"The man himself. What’s up, Josh?"
"Marky Mark!" he replied, using the nickname he'd bestowed on me our freshman year of college. I hated it then, and I’d hated it every time since.
Rolling my eyes, I sighed. "Dude, we're business partners now. You have to think of something different to call me."
"Not on the phone I don't," he joked.
Already tired of this conversation, I asked, "So, what's up?"
"Just checking in after the meeting with the Blithes. They're looking to invest, my man."
Now that kind of talk I liked to hear. "Excellent. Good job."
"As always. So, who is the pretty voice who answered my call the first time? I called the office thinking you'd just answer there. We have a secretary now?"
"Yeah. Remember that DeVille guy we were talking to in the pub the last time you were in town? He sent someone over."
I sounded distinctly defensive, and Josh heard it loud and clear. "Listen, man, if you want a pretty little thing running around the office, I have no problem with that at all."
Putting my feet up in a box next to my desk, I said, "You’re going to get us a harassment suit if you don't cut the shit, Josh."
"You know I’m just kidding. You're so uptight, man. Maybe you should be the one to go to Hawaii next time. You need to relax. For example, last night I'm chatting these two coeds up at the bar, and one starts telling me how she’s never been with a guy from the mainland. Can you believe that? It's like another world down here."
Leave it to my partner. The guy definitely knew how to mix business with pleasure.
"But seriously, is she good?" he asked with a chuckle.
"She's very nice and good at her job,” I said, keeping my tone perfectly level and professional, even as I wished I could be like him.
"I'm sure. Well, listen, I’m flying out next week, so I'll be back then. Let's hang out and do lunch, and I can meet this new hire of ours."
Instantly, my chest tightened. I didn't love the idea of Josh meeting Emma so soon, but I couldn't quite figure out what about it put me on edge. I couldn't show that, though, or else Josh would never stop busting my balls, or worse, make his move on her.
"Sounds good. See you then."
We hung up, and I looked across the hall to see Emma working. I idly wondered what Josh had said to her. God, had he already tried to move in on her already?
"I hear you spoke to my partner. I hope he was polite with you. He’s been known to be a bit of a wise ass sometimes."
She nodded, staring up at me with those big blue eyes and said, "Yes, Mr. Tanchen. Mr. Lanis was very polite. I explained who I was and he welcomed me aboard. He seems very nice."
"Good." I nodded and looked around the room, knowing I should just go back to my office.
"Slow day, Mr. Tanchen?"
"For once, yes. Usually, I’m up to my ears with things to do, but I cleared today to ensure I could train you. I guess I overestimated how much you'd need."
"I'm glad I could jump right in for you."
There was a long pause before I decided to say, "It's three o'clock, and I don't anticipate so many people calling that I can't handle it. Why don't you take the rest of the day off?"
"Are you sure, Mr. Tanchen? I’m happy to stay."
As much as I wanted to her to stay, I knew it was better she leave. "It’s fine. You did very well today, and you got here early anyway."