Page 49 of Little Devil
Xander: Fuck.
Xander: You look so hot it hurts.
My heart skips a beat and I look around, raising a brow when I find him standing on the other side of Sienna’s kitchen with his phone in his hand and his eyes on me.
Jordyn: What hurts?
He smirks at that, looking me dead in the eye while he reaches down to adjust his dick in his jeans. My cheeks burn without permission and I fight a smile – I really fight it – but it seems I’m not as sly as I think I am.
“Did you fuck him?”
I instinctively straighten my spine at the sound of his voice, discreetly hiding my phone behind my back when I find Noah standing in Kian’s space beside me.
“Because if you did,” he goes on, leaning over me to get in my face. “If you gave him what belongs to me when you promised our parents I’d be the only one you’d ever let inside you, I might not like that.”
“Is that supposed to be a threat?”
“Yes,” he says simply, reaching up to run his thumb over the lip gloss on my mouth. “You’re mine and you always will be. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”
“No, it’s not right,” I bite out, gritting my teeth while I knock his hand from my face. “I’m not your anything and I’m sure as hell not your sweetheart, either.”
He glares at me again and I move to leave, locking my jaw when he snatches my arm and yanks me into him. My skin itches with his hands on me, and it takes everything I have not to shove him back and smack the shit out of him. Xander steps forward in my peripheral like he’s about to do it for me and I wince, silently hoping he’s not stupid enough to do anything to Noah in front of a house full of his loyal followers. It’s one thing to threaten him and shove his ass to the floor in front of me alone, but to do something like that in front of everyone here would be a helluva lot worse. Noah Campbell will be the mayor of this town in a few years, just like his father is now and his grandfather was before him, and I wouldn’t put it past them to slap an assault charge on the new boy just because they can.
Travis appears out of nowhere to push his cousin back and I look at Noah, bravely wrapping my fingers around his wrist to pry his hand from my arm. I don’t know where this new found courage has come from, but it’s right there for the taking and I’m rolling with it.
“Does your daddy know you’re still fucking Penelope?”
He falters for half a second and I smirk like a bad bitch, purposely clicking my tongue at him with a slow shake of my head. I wasn’t entirely sure before, but the answer’s written all over his face. He’s still fucking her and he has no intention of stopping, and if his father knew he’s risking his chance of getting back together with me for a piece of ass, as he’d call it, the disgusting bastard he is, heads would roll and Noah’s would be the first to go, followed by Penelope’s and then her parents’. William Campbell doesn’t handle embarrassment well, and unfortunately for Noah, I’m not above using it against him.
“If you do anything to hurt the new boy,” I say quietly, leaning up to speak in his ear. “I might not like that.”
Anger radiates from him in waves but I ignore it, casually taking my drink from the island while I move around him to walk away. As soon as I step outside, my anxiety peaks and I run a hand over my throat, nervously pacing back and forth alongside the giant heated pool in the back yard.
I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately, but I do know it’s got everything to do with Xander Reid and the way he makes me feel when I’m with him.
I’ve never felt more trapped in this bullshit life since discovering what a little freedom tastes like.
I want more.
I want Washington.
I want him.
The thought hits me like a slap to the face and I stop walking, looking down when my phone buzzes in my hand with another text from him.
Xander: You okay, princess?
I chew my lip and look over my shoulder, smiling a little bit when I see him leaning back against the wall next to the back door. I want to go to him and tell him no, I’m not okay, I’m a spoiled little rich girl who doesn’t want the life she’s been handed on a silver platter, but we’re not the only ones out here, so I decide to keep my distance and text him back instead.
Jordyn: I’m bored.
Kind of a half truth, but luckily for me, he doesn’t feel like calling me out on it.
Xander: Bored, huh?
Xander: Wanna smoke?
A rare laugh bubbles out of me and I glance up at him, completely unprepared for the stupid ass look on his face. He’s staring at me like my goofy laugh is the best thing he’s ever seen, and I won’t deny it feels pretty damn good to be looked at like that.