Page 64 of Little Devil
“What do you mean?”
“He left my mom and married another man when I was five,” she explains, but she doesn’t seem mad or bitter about it. “I haven’t seen or heard from him since.”
My brows dip and I tighten my arms around her waist, leaning over her to kiss the spot beneath her ear. “It’s his loss, baby.”
“I know,” she whispers, turning her head to smile at me.
She reaches up to pull my tie over her shoulder and I watch her run her fingers over it, unable to stop myself from wanting more. “What’s your biggest secret?”
“You are,” she answers, mindlessly threading her tie through mine to knot them together. “You’re my secret.”
“Yeah?” I tease, moving my hands up to squeeze her ribs. “What’s your favorite thing about me?”
“Your abs,” she deadpans. “Definitely your abs.”
I laugh and she moves the photos from her lap to the couch next to us, quiet a minute before she speaks again.
“It’s your take on life,” she admits, still playing with our knotted ties. “The way you’re just you without apologizing for it. The way you put yourself first and take what you want. The way you have fun. I wish I had the balls to be more like you.”
I smile to myself and lift her chin up with my forefinger, leaning into her to speak over her lips. “It’s okay to be who you are, baby.”
“I know but.. what if no one likes who I am?”
“It doesn’t matter,” I say simply. “All that matters is that you like yourself.”
Silence follows and I’m just about to tell her how fucking pretty she is, but then she turns around and covers my mouth with her hand. “My turn to ask the questions,” she decides, spreading her legs out to straddle my thighs. “What’s your biggest secret?”
I smirk at that, grinding my cock up against her pussy while I sort through all the shitty things I’ve done over the years. “I had a threesome with my teacher and her stepson a few months ago.”
Her eyes widen and her mouth parts, her cheeks glowing even brighter than usual thanks to the red lights surrounding us. “Was she married to his dad?”
“Do you regret it?”
“Not really.”
“What do you regret, then?” she asks, resting her forearms on my shoulders, raking her fingers through my hair. “What’s your biggest mistake, Xan?”
That one hits me where it hurts and I clear my throat, hesitating a second while I consider how to put this. “I uh.. I got my brother killed.”
Her face falls and she pinches her eyebrows together, her eyes filling with tears when she catches the look in mine. “Xan..”
“He wasn’t mad about it,” I whisper, laughing lightly at the memory of the last words he ever spoke to me. “The stupid fucker found it kind of funny, actually..”
three years ago
“Nik, come on,” I complain, dropping down on the edge of his bed to shake him. “You promised you’d take me out.”
“Fuck off, you little shit,” he mumbles, speaking into his pillow. “I’m sleeping.”
“You’ve been asleep all day.”
“Yeah, because I was awake all night,” he throws back, whipping his arm out to shove me down on my ass.