Page 69 of Little Devil
He waits like he thinks I’ll do it but I shake my head, holding his eyes while I set my drink down on the pool table beside us. “Kiss me instead.”
“You sure?” he asks. “Right here in front of all your judgy little friends?”
I smirk and slide my hands up to his neck, pulling him down to run my fingers through his hair. “I dare you.”
He presses his lips to mine and I kiss him back, ignoring the whispers and the several pairs of eyes on us while I seek out his piercing with my tongue.
They don’t fucking get it and they probably never will, but I don’t care anymore.
I want him and I’m taking him, just like he taught me to.
“Xan,” I whisper, hesitating a second before I decide to tell him. “I think I’m falling for you.”
A light laugh leaves him and he smiles against my lips, still moving with me to the beat of the music. “Baby, I’ve already fallen.”
“I love your skin,” she tells me, gently running her nails over the ink on my forearms. “It’s so pretty.”
“Pretty?” I ask, amused by her and her inability to tolerate alcohol.
I’ve never seen her finish a single drink in the two months I’ve known her. She usually takes one sip of whatever she’s given and sets it down somewhere, but tonight she swallowed two margaritas and four purple jello shots one after the other. I cut her off about an hour ago once we got back to Travis’ house with him and Kian, but that hasn’t stopped her from stealing sips of my beer when she thinks I’m not looking.
I think my girl likes being tipsy.
“I look so bare next to you,” she goes on, sticking her lip out with a cute ass pout that makes me want to bite it.
She’s wearing nothing but a tiny little black thong, lying back on my chest with her ass on my dick and her legs spread out over mine, the bubbles from the hot tub effectively hiding her nipples from the two boys opposite. I’m not worried about Kian considering pussy’s not his thing, but I won’t hesitate to make my cousin’s nose bleed if I catch him looking at what’s mine. The asshole smirks like he knows it and I flip him off, ignoring his chuckle while I dip my head to kiss her neck. She moans quietly and I slide my hands over her stomach, enjoying the way her warm skin feels against mine beneath the water.
“Will you give me a tattoo?” she asks out of nowhere, tipping her head back on my shoulder to look at me.
I raise a brow at that, hiding a laugh when I catch the disgust slash horror on Travis’ face.
“Don’t even–”
“Fuck, yeah,” Kian says excitedly, earning himself a sideways glare from his boyfriend.
“You’re all idiots,” he informs us, averting his eyes when Jordyn stands up and snatches my hand to take me with her. “For fuck’s sake, Xan, she’s drunk.”
“She’s not drunk,” I argue, grabbing a towel from the side to wrap it around her body. “She’s just happy.”
He sighs angrily and she grins, looking up at me with a heated stare that makes me ache while she leads us back to the pool house. I set my beer down on the nightstand and lie her down on my bed, leaving her there a minute while I grab the black case from the bottom of my closet. I take one of my shirts out and slide it on over her head, pulling it down to her thighs to ensure they can’t see her through the windows.
“What do you want, baby?”
“I want a surprise,” she answers, lazily folding her arm beneath her head to bare her body for me.
I groan and adjust my dick in my boxers, sitting down beside her to run my thumb over the inner corner of her wrist beneath her little finger. “Right here, okay?”
She nods and I lean over her to kiss her lips, teasing her tongue with my piercing while I wait for her to change her mind. She doesn’t, though, so I pull back and snap my gloves on, watching her closely while I use a little rubbing alcohol to clean her up.
“Will it hurt?” she asks, frowning at me when I take a razor to run it over her skin.
“A little bit, yeah, but it won’t take long.”
“What are you doing?”